Reverse Dependencies of universal_pathlib
The following projects have a declared dependency on universal_pathlib:
- aicsimageprocessing — A generalized scientific image processing module from the Allen Institute for Cell Science.
- akutils — A utility library providing generic methods for performing recurrent data manipulation in Pandas and Python.
- annsel — A Narwhals powered DataFrame-style selection, filtering and indexing operations on AnnData Objects.
- beforerr — Personal Python utility library
- benchmarking-asv — no summary
- boxfs — Implementation of fsspec for Box file storage
- browsr — TUI File Browser App
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- cmip6-downscaling — Climate downscaling using cmip6 data
- cratedb-toolkit — CrateDB Toolkit
- cyto-dl — Collection of representation learning models, techniques, callbacks, utils, used to create latent variable models of cell shape, morphology and intracellular organization.
- d6tflow — For data scientists and data engineers, d6tflow is a python library which makes building complex data science workflows easy, fast and intuitive.
- dacapo-ml — Framework for deployment of volumetric machine learning models, and easy composition of training jobs.
- dagster — Dagster is an orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
- dagster-polars — Dagster integration library for Polars
- distilabel — Distilabel is an AI Feedback (AIF) framework for building datasets with and for LLMs.
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- doiget-tdm — A command-line application and Python library for obtaining the metadata and full-text of published journal articles for text data mining (TDM) purposes.
- dummio — Easiest-possible IO for basic file types.
- ecmwfspec — fsspec implementation for ECMWF File Storage System
- emkonfig — YAML template based configuration management tool
- euporie — Euporie is a suite of terminal applications for interacting with Jupyter kernels
- fastdev — Type less, code more
- fsdata — Simple data access layer over fsspec
- geniusrise — An LLM framework
- githarbor — Unified client for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket
- harpy-analysis — single-cell spatial proteomics analysis that makes you happy
- hats — Hierarchical Adaptive Tiling Scheme Catalog
- hats-import — Utility for ingesting large survey data into HATS structure
- haulsrv — A log sequencer with bottomless storage
- hydromt — HydroMT: Automated and reproducible model building and analysis.
- influxio — Import and export data into/from InfluxDB
- jinjarope — Jinja2 utilities, loaders & fsspec integration.
- juftin-scripts — Helpful Python scripts by @juftin
- kedro-partitioned — Kedro plugin extending partitioned dataset support.
- lamindb_setup — Setup & configure LaminDB.
- lazycls — Python Utilities for the Super Lazy
- lbster — Language models for Biological Sequence Transformation and Evolutionary Representation.
- leap-data-management-utils — LEAP / pangeo-forge-recipes extension library for logging data in Google Big Query
- libresvip — Universal Converter for Singing Voice Projects
- llmeter — A lightweight, cross-platform latency and throughput profiler for LLMs
- llmling — A backend for pydantic-AI agents and MCP servers.
- lndb — LaminDB setup.
- lndb_storage — Storage → object.
- luntaiDs — Make Data Scientist life Easier Tool
- mcp-server-llmling — MCP (Model context protocol) server with LLMling backend
- MedicalMultitaskModeling — Multitask learning framework for medical data
- mkdocs_mknodes — Don't write docs. Code them.
- mknodes — Don't write docs. Code them.
- napari-wsi — A plugin to read whole-slide images within napari.
- nbdev-squ — Python SIEM Query Utils nbdev edition
- ngtools — Build and manipulate Neuroglancer scenes
- np-nwb — Tools for quickly generating `.nwb` files from non-standard Mindscope Neuropixels experiments.
- np-queuey — Tools for submitting and processing jobs through a message queue for Mindscope Neuropixels workflows.
- np-workflows — Ecephys and behavior workflows for the Mindscope Neuropixels team.
- npc_io — File IO tools for MindScope Neuropixels projects in the cloud.
- octopolars — Pull, filter, walk, and read a GitHub user's repositories with Polars.
- offsets-db-data — Monitoring the global carbon market
- omicidx — The OmicIDX project collects, reprocesses, and then republishes metadata from multiple public genomics repositories. Included are the NCBI SRA, Biosample, and GEO databases. Publication is via the cloud data warehouse platform Bigquery, a set of performant search and retrieval APIs, and a set of json-format files for easy incorporation into other projects.
- opentile — Read tiles from wsi-TIFF files
- pathvein — Rich and deep file structure pattern matching.
- projetaai-azure — Enables Azure services integration with ProjetaAi/Kedro
- pubfin — Reads publically reported financial data via the SEC EDGAR API, and saves to a Findata object with dataframe output functionality.
- pybids — bids: interface with datasets conforming to BIDS
- pydantic-cereal — Advanced serialization for Pydantic models
- pytask — pytask is a workflow management system that facilitates reproducible data analyses.
- pytest-servers — pytest servers
- pytorch-cortex — A modular architecture for deep learning systems.
- pytroll-watchers — Utility functions and scripts to watch for new files on local or remote filesystems.
- quiltcore — low-level plubming to read/write Quilt packages
- quiltplus — Async Python API for Quilt's fractal social knowledge platform
- rara-digitizer — Document reader with OCR & image detection support.
- reposcape — Repository maps for LLMs
- rslearn — A library for developing remote sensing datasets and models
- safe-mol — Implementation of the 'Gotta be SAFE: a new framework for molecular design' paper
- serotiny — A framework of tools to structure, configure and drive deep learning projects
- textual-universal-directorytree — A Textual Directory Tree for all File Systems
- toolreg — A tool register.
- upathtools — UPath utilities
- virtualizarr — Create virtual Zarr stores from archival data using xarray API
- webknossos — Python API for working with WEBKNOSSOS datasets, annotations, and for WEBKNOSSOS server interaction.
- wsidicom — Tools for handling DICOM based whole scan images
- yamling — Enhanced YAML loading and dumping.
- zarr — An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python
- zarrs — no summary