Reverse Dependencies of ujson
The following projects have a declared dependency on ujson:
- epivizFileParser — Parse and Query Genomic File Formats.
- epivizFileServer — A python library to interact, explore and compute data directly from genomic files.
- era-5g-client — A client for 5G-ERA Network Applications
- era-5g-interface — An interface for 5G-ERA Network Applications
- era-5g-server — A server for 5G-ERA Network Applications
- eskiz-sms-client — Async/Sync Python SDK of SMS Gateway
- esmerald — Highly scalable, performant, easy to learn, easy to code and for every application.
- esrally — Macrobenchmarking framework for Elasticsearch
- ethereumd-proxy — Proxy client-server for Ethereum node using JSON-RPC interface.
- etk — extraction toolkit
- EUKulele — A package to make the process of taxonomically classifying microbial eukaryotes easier.
- evaluateqa — no summary
- eventhub — a lightweight event library
- evidently — Open-source tools to analyze, monitor, and debug machine learning model in production.
- evtx2df — converts Windows Event Logs (EVTX) into pandas DataFrames / CSV files
- exacheck — ExaCheck - ExaBGP Health Checker
- example_sdk — no summary
- exchanges-wrapper — REST API and WebSocket asyncio wrapper with grpc powered multiplexer server
- exclusionms — Python package for working with exclusionms-api and exclusionms-streamlit
- exobrain-entity-recognizer — Entity recognizer for Exobrain project.
- expman — Experiment manager.
- fa-common — CSIRO Geoanalytics FastAPI Common Framework. Standardises Data access, authentication, task execution and provides a number of utilities and helper classes.
- facture — Framework for building Web APIs using asyncio
- faerun — A python package for generating interactive views of chemical spaces.
- fairlay — Fairlay Client for Python 3.8+
- falcon-helpers — A few helpful tools to make working with the falcon framework a real joy!
- fast-json — Combines best parts of json and ujson for fast serialization
- fast-microservice — Small Microservice based on FastAPI
- fast-tools — fast-tools is a FastApi/Starlette toolset, Most of the tools can be used in FastApi/Starlette, a few tools only support FastApi which is divided into the lack of compatibility with FastApi
- fastapi — FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- fastapi-amis-admin — FastAPI-Amis-Admin is a high-performance, efficient and easily extensible FastAPI admin framework. Inspired by Django-admin, and has as many powerful functions as Django-admin.
- fastapi-contrib — Opinionated set of utilities on top of FastAPI
- fastapi-fixed — FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- fastapi-gateway — FastAPI gateway for microservices.
- fastapi-gateway-ultra — FastAPI gateway for microservices.
- fastapi-module-register — 通过将fastapi的模型自动注册路由
- fastapi-proxy — FastAPI Proxy
- fastapi-slim — FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- fastapi-sqlmodel-crud — fastapi-sqlmodel-crud is a program which is based on fastapi+sqlmodel and used to quickly build the Create, Read, Update, Delete generic API interface.
- fastapi-starter — A biblioteca fastapi_starter é uma ferramenta projetada para facilitar a criação rápida e eficiente de projetos baseados no framework FastAPI. Ele automatiza a criação da estrutura básica do projeto, incluindo diretórios, arquivos de configuração e rotas iniciais, além de instalar automaticamente todas as dependências necessárias. Com o fastapi_starter, os desenvolvedores podem iniciar novos projetos FastAPI com apenas alguns comandos, economizando tempo e esforço.
- fastapi_user_auth — FastAPI-User-Auth is a simple and powerful FastAPI user RBAC authentication and authorization library. Based on FastAPI-Amis-Admin and provides a freely extensible visual management interface.
- FastGenAPI — A FastAPI-based application for dynamic API generation, Db schema visualization, UML ERD class Diagrams generation and more.
- fastlane — fastlane is a redis and docker based queueing service.
- fastrag — An Efficient Retrieval Augmentation and Generation Framework for Intel Hardware.
- feature-mining — Mine implicit features using a generative feature language model.
- fers — Finite Element Method library written in Rust with Python interface
- few-shots — Take your best shot
- file-config — An attrs based configuration file abstraction
- filesff — Files for Fun; Python Utilities
- firepit — Columnar storage for STIX 2.0 observations.
- flanaapis — Set of functions that can be used as an imported library or as an api rest running the There is currently an instance of the api running at
- flask_ujson — Flask with UltraJSON.
- FlaskPlus — Many powerful extensions for flask.
- flgo — A Research-oriented FL Platform.
- Flora — Flora
- flowbber — Flowbber is a generic tool and framework that allows to execute custom pipelines for data gathering, publishing and analysis.
- flowclient — Python client library for the FlowMachine API.
- forwarding-bot — no summary
- foxcross — AsyncIO serving for data science models
- freaddb — Fast Read DB
- freedom — A pure-python git and pypi release management tool
- freeproxydownloader — Gets proxies from public lists and checks them (ping, hidden IP, http connection)
- freeq-server — Zero-setup queue with e2e encryption for free in 1 line of code. Server part
- freshlinks — Basic link checker.
- fsonbase — Simple generator of tree data structure for your dirs
- fsspec-reference-maker — Functions to make reference descriptions for ReferenceFileSystem
- fuckBookWalker — Download books from
- fullapp — fullapp TDB
- fuzzytest — Pacote para auxiliar no teste dos inputs na API de FuzzyMatch
- ga-chgraph — Graph Function
- gaea-paddleclas — A treasure chest for visual recognition powered by PaddlePaddle.
- gaiaFramework — Data science framework library
- galts-trade-api — A framework to use a trading infrastructure
- gamedetector — The GameDetector library allows you to detect a game within a folder, returning information like Steam AppId, game name, and version.
- gcloud-aio-core — Core Helpers for Asyncio Google Cloud Library
- gcp-cloud-logger — Google Cloud Platform logging package
- gdshoplib — no summary
- gemnine — Wrapper for Gemini AI API
- gene-rule-parser — Basic language to parse genetic rules to a structure
- genesys-notifications — genesys notifications client
- genienlp — no summary
- genomehubs — GenomeHubs
- geowatch — no summary
- get-test-cases-from-TFS — this Lib is to get the TFS testPlan data, and communicate with TFS API to get the test cases from TFS. Then extract the Testcases as XML file.
- getwebfolder — Get files and data from a given web folder (bare url)
- gherkan — NL to Gherkin format translation tool
- gibson-cli — Gibson Command Line Interface
- gilgamesh — distributed data
- gluonts — Probabilistic time series modeling in Python.
- gnacsupdated — Gnip normalized activity JSON to csv parser (Twitter, Disqus Comments, and Wordpress Posts and Comments)
- gnocchi — Metric as a Service
- gnocchiclient — Python client library for Gnocchi
- gobotz-rabbitmq — aioamqp wrapper for rabbitmq
- godto — Data Transfer Object (DTO) codegen from OpenAPI JSON schemas
- goes-api — Python API for downloading and searching GOES-16/17 satellite data on local and cloud storage.
- golodranets — Fork of official python STEEM library for Golos blockchain
- golos-lib-python — Python library for Golos blockchain
- goofis-ardihikaru — Modules to extract information from Google Finance
- gpuprog-log — Logging for microservices
- gqlbff-postgres — The web framework