Reverse Dependencies of ubelt
The following projects have a declared dependency on ubelt:
- avi-mmdet — Custom OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- cmd-queue — The cmd_queue module for a DAG of bash commands
- CurriculumAgent — CurriculumAgent is a cleanup and improved version of the NeurIPS 2020 Competition Agent by Binbinchen.The agent is build to extract action sets of the Grid2Op Environment and then use rule-based agent to train a Reinforcement Learning agent.
- delayed-image — The delayed_image module
- dtool-ibeis — dtool_ibeis - a dependency aware cache for ibeis
- emcaps — Code for the paper Genetically encoded barcodes for correlative volume electron microscopy
- futures-actors — An extension of the concurrent.futures module to support stateful computations.
- geograypher — Enabling Geospatial Predictions from Individual Drone Images
- geowatch — no summary
- git-sync — The git_sync module
- git-well — The git_well module
- graphid — The graph identification algorithm from my thesis
- guitool-ibeis — Guitool - tools for PyQt5 guis
- ibeis — IBEIS - Image Based Ecological Information System
- ipp-toolkit — A general framework for informative path planning experiments, with a focus on wrapping datasets, sensors, planners, and visualization in a modular manner
- jammy — A Versatile ToolBox
- kwarray — The kwarray module
- kwcoco — The kwcoco module and cli for image datasets
- kwgis — The kwgis module
- kwimage — The kwimage module
- kwimage-ext — The kwimage_ext module
- kwplot — The kwplot module
- kwutil — The kwutil module
- liberator — static code extractor for Python
- liblaf-toolkit — Add your description here
- line_profiler — Line-by-line profiler
- line-profiler-andy — Line-by-line profiler.
- mkinit — Autogenerate files
- mmdet — OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- mmdet-add — MMDetection Add Toolbox
- mmdet-open — OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- mmdet-taeuk4958 — OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark (costomized by taeuk4958 for personal project)
- mmdet3d — OpenMMLab's next-generation platformfor general 3D object detection.
- mmfewshot — OpenMMLab FewShot Learning Toolbox and Benchmark
- mmflow — OpenMMLab Optical flow Toolbox and Benchmark
- mmocr — OpenMMLab Text Detection, OCR, and NLP Toolbox
- mmrotate — Rotation Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- mmrotate-dev — Rotation Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- mmtrack — OpenMMLab Unified Video Perception Platform
- mmyolo — OpenMMLab Toolbox of YOLO
- mmyolo-open — OpenMMLab Toolbox of YOLO
- ndsampler — Fast sampling from large images
- netharn — Train and deploy pytorch models
- networkx-algo-common-subtree — A networkx implemention of algorithms to find common ordered subtree minors and isomorphisms
- ocr-v — Modification on top of OpenMMLab Text Detection, OCR, and NLP Toolbox
- plottool-ibeis — Plottool - tools for matplotlib computer vision plots
- pypogo — A module cut from xcookie
- sail-on-client — Client and Protocols for DARPA sail-on
- scikit-build — Improved build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
- scriptconfig — Easy dict-based script configuration with CLI support
- simple-dvc — The simple_dvc module
- sm64-random-assets — The sm64-random-assets module
- torch-liberator — The torch liberator module
- ustd — The ustd module
- utool — Useful utilities and the kitchen sink
- vimtk — Python backend for the vimtk plugin
- vtool-ibeis — vision tools for IBEIS
- wbia-utool — utool - Useful utilities and the kitchen sink
- wbia-vtool — Vtool - Image Tools for Wildbook IA
- whatdat — The whatdat module
- wildbook-ia — Wildbook IA (WBIA) - Machine learning service for the WildBook project
- xaitk-saliency-demo — Web application demonstrating XAITK Saliency functionality
- xcookie — The xcookie cookie-cutter Module
- xdev — An excellent developer tool for excellent developers
- xinspect — no summary