Reverse Dependencies of typing-extensions
The following projects have a declared dependency on typing-extensions:
- argilla-haystack — Argilla-Haystack Integration
- argilla-llama-index — Argilla-LlamaIndex Integration
- argon2_cffi — Argon2 for Python
- argparse-shell — Create interactive shell programs from arbitrary objects using the argparse and cmd modules
- argparse-tui — Present your Argparse CLI as a Textual UI (TUI).
- argument-names — This decorator dynamically maps argument names from a function's call to a specified function.
- argus-api — SDK for the Argus API
- argus-temporal-logic — no summary
- ariadne — Ariadne is a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers.
- aries-cloudcontroller — A simple python client for controlling an ACA-Py agent
- arinrest-client — client to interact with the arinrest API
- aristaproto — Arista Protobuf / Python gRPC bindings generator & library
- arize — A helper library to interact with Arize AI APIs
- arize-phoenix — AI Observability and Evaluation
- arize-phoenix-evals — LLM Evaluations
- arize-phoenix-otel — LLM Observability
- arko-wrapper — 给你的Python迭代器加上魔法
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- arpoon — Tools for data in Python
- arrakis-nd — Arrakis module for near detector data.
- arrakis-python — Arrakis Python client library
- arraydb — Database using array. With an basic ORM
- arraytex — ArrayTeX
- arrow-json — Arrow -> JSON encoder
- art-deco — Via decorators, make complex processing of function or method arguments effortless.
- artd-siigo — ArtD SIIGO.
- articon — Corpus-based, icon mosaicking art in Python
- artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- artifi — A Automation Tool Made By Noob
- artigraph — A library for interrelated graphs of artifacts.
- artisan-builder — A build system for explainable science
- artur-qiskit-terra — Software for developing quantum computing programs
- arviz — Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
- arviz-base — Base ArviZ features and converters.
- arxiv-base — no summary
- arxiv_retriever — "Automate your ArXiv paper search, retrieval, and summarization process."
- arxiv-submission-core — no summary
- asafc-permit-sdk-with-df — python sdk
- asammdf — ASAM MDF measurement data file parser
- asapi — Thin wrapper around FastAPI
- asciipy-any — python library and cli tool to convert images and videos to ascii.
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- aserehe — a semantic release helper CLI
- aserto-authorizer-grpc — gRPC client for Aserto Authorizer service instances
- asgi_aws — Build API with ASGI in AWS Lambda with API Gateway HTTP API or REST API, or with Function URL ✨
- asgi-background — Background tasks for any ASGI web framework
- asgi-dispatcher-middleware — Middleware to Dispatch to multiple ASGI applications, extracted from hypercorn.
- asgi-sqlalchemy — Pure ASGI Database middleware.
- asgiref — ASGI specs, helper code, and adapters
- aside — Personal task tracker with the organization of tasks in the form of queues.
- askastro — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- askpythia — AI Hallucination tool including basic validators
- asktable — The official Python library for the Asktable API
- asl-api — Antimatter Security Lakehouse Public API
- asl-utility — Utility components for numpy, math and transformations.
- asolytics — ASO automation software tool on Google Play. Trend analysis, keyword popularity analysis and evaluation, competitor app analysis and keyword parsing.
- asone — no summary
- asphalt — A microframework for network oriented applications
- asphalt-exceptions — Exception reporter component for the Asphalt framework
- aspreno — Exception handler/reporter for exception & global exception handle using Python class
- AssayingAnomalies — This library is a Python implementation of the MATLAB Toolkit that accompanies Novy-Marx and Velikov (2023) and is to be used for empirical academic asset pricing research, particularly focused on studying anomalies in the cross-section of stock returns.
- assembly-ai-demo — AssemblyAI Python SDK.
- assemblyai — AssemblyAI Python SDK
- assertpy-stubs — Mypy|Pyright plugin and stubs for assertpy
- asserts — Stand-alone Assertions
- assignment-app — demo python CLI tool to manage assignments
- assisted-ticket-search — A temporary package for testing
- assonant — (Meta)Data standardization package for Sirius, the 4th generation brazillian synchrotron light source
- ast-tool-py — Asterix data processing tool
- asteroid-filterbanks — Asteroid's filterbanks
- astra-haystack — no summary
- astra-llm — Astra is a lightweight library for Astra LLM.
- astra-logs — AI Observability and Evaluation
- astream — no summary
- astro-otter — no summary
- astroid — An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support.
- astrosn — Supernova analysis library by @emirkmo
- astx — ASTx is an agnostic expression structure for AST.
- async-customerio — Async CustomerIO Client - a Python client to interact with CustomerIO in an async fashion.
- async-dataloader — Asyncio Dataloader for GraphQL.
- async-easy-utils — REST tools for building backends with TorToiseORM and Starlette framework
- async-extensions — Asynchronous extensions.
- async-gpib — Python3 AsyncIO Linux GPIB wrapper
- async-httpd-data-collector — Gateway facilitating asyncronous communication between sensory data-emitting devices, InfluxDB and the user.
- async-irc — A simple asyncio.Protocol implementation designed for IRC
- async-lambda-unstable — A framework for creating AWS Lambda Async Workflows. - Unstable Branch
- async-lru — Simple LRU cache for asyncio
- async-lru-threadsafe — Simple threadsafe LRU cache for asyncio
- async-reolink.api — Async ReoLink camera API framework for python
- async-rx — Rx or the observable pattern with curio async.
- async-simple-salesforce — Async fork of simple-salesforce
- async-tio — An unoffical API wrapper for
- async-tkinter-loop — Asynchronous mainloop implementation for tkinter
- async-westjr — Handling of train operation information of JR West, a railroad company in Japan
- async-wrapper — async wrapper
- asyncapi-contracts — Contract driven development of Async API applications in Python
- asynced — Async python for Event-Driven applications
- asyncer — Asyncer, async and await, focused on developer experience.
- asyncer-slim — Asyncer, async and await, focused on developer experience.
- asyncio-contextmanager-pool — A library providing a pool-like object for holding `AsyncContextManager` instances.