Reverse Dependencies of types-PyYAML
The following projects have a declared dependency on types-PyYAML:
- scargo — C/C++ package and software development life cycle manager inspired by RUST cargo idea.
- scip — Scalable Cytometry Image Processing (SCIP) is an open-source tool that implements an image
- screenshot-ocr — Extract text from screenshots.
- seagulls-engine — no summary
- seaplane — Seaplane Python SDK
- sec-certs — A tool for data scraping and analysis of security certificates from Common Criteria and FIPS 140-2/3 frameworks
- semeio — Forward models and workflows for Ert.
- sentineltoolbox — no summary
- sentry-forked-django-stubs — Mypy stubs for Django
- sentry-forked-djangorestframework-stubs — PEP-484 stubs for django-rest-framework
- sequence-align — Efficient implementations of Needleman-Wunsch and other sequence alignment algorithms in Rust with Python bindings.
- sequoia-diff — no summary
- server-monitor-agent — Utility to run checks on a server and send notifications.
- servicex — Python SDK and CLI Client for ServiceX
- servicex-client — no summary
- Sextant — CLI tool to work with helm charts and our helm chart modules.
- shapesorter — A lightweight templating language for any kind of text.
- sheetshuttle — no summary
- shell-whiz — AI assistant for command line
- shepherd-core — Programming- and CLI-Interface for the h5-dataformat of the Shepherd-Testbed
- shfy — Shfy (Shellify) provides AI-powered assistance, suggestions, and automation to simplify and streamline command line tasks.
- shorthand-datetime — Parse shorthand datetime strings in the Elasticsearch date math format. Inspired by Grafana.
- shut — Automates the heavy lifting of release and distribution management for pure Python packages.
- sift_stack_py — Python client library for the Sift API
- sigmatcher — Write signatures to automatically match java classes and methods between version
- simple-python-app — Simple framework that provides preconfigured components that most applications need.
- SimplHDL — A framework for simulating and implementing HDL designs
- simplify — Produce simplified likelihoods of different formats
- siste-test — HyperFetch. A tool to optimize and fetch hyperparameters for your reinforcement learning application.
- skorecard — Tools for building scorecard models in python, with a sklearn-compatible API
- sle-prjmgr-tools — SLE Project management tools to release SLE based products
- slidebook-python — Open slidebook .sldy files in Python
- slo-generator — SLO Generator
- smarthouse — Smart House Scenarios
- smw-music — Tools for working with SMW Music
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- soakdb3 — Replacement for soakdb2, including a new database backend.
- soil-sdk — SOIL Software Development Kit
- solara — no summary
- sophios — DSL for inferring the edges of a CWL workflow DAG
- sortd — sorting commands for stdin -> stdout
- speedbump — Fastest path to bump nirvana.
- spikewrap — Run extracellular electrophysiology analysis with SpikeInterface
- SpiNNUtilities — Utility classes and functions for SpiNNaker projects
- splat64 — A binary splitting tool to assist with decompilation and modding projects
- springs — A set of utilities to create and manage typed configuration files effectively, built on top of OmegaConf.
- springtime — Spatiotemporal phenology research with interpretable models
- squidasm — NetSquid simulator for quantum networks running NetQASM applications
- STA2STAC — A Python Ecosystem for Harvesting Time Series data information from SensorthingsAPI (STA) and Cultivating STAC-Metadata.
- stac-pydantic — Pydantic data models for the STAC spec
- stopes — Large-Scale Translation Data Mining.
- strava-gear — Rule based tracker of gear and component wear primarily for Strava
- strava-offline — Leep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing
- streaming-jupyter-integrations — JupyterNotebook Flink magics
- strideutils — Utility functions for monitoring the Stride blockchain
- sublime-music — A native GTK *sonic client.
- subscript — Equinor's collection of subsurface reservoir modelling scripts
- substrafl — A high-level federated learning Python library to run federated learning experiments at scale on a Substra network
- suitable — Suitable is a thin wrapper around the Ansible API.
- sunsynk — Library to interface Deye/Sunsynk Hybrid Inverters
- superduper-framework — 🔮 Bring AI to your favourite database 🔮
- superpathlib — Extended Pathlib
- supriya — A Python API for SuperCollider
- swagger2jsonschema — no summary
- swc-ephys — Manage extracellular electrophysiology analysis
- swh.alter — Software Heritage archive modification tools
- swh.auth — Software Heritage authentication utilities
- swh.core — Software Heritage core utilities
- swh.counters — Software Heritage archive counters
- swh.dataset — Software Heritage dataset tools
- swh.deposit — Software Heritage deposit server
- swh.fuse — Software Heritage virtual file system
- swh.graph — Software Heritage graph service
- swh.graphql — Software Heritage GraphQL APIs
- swh.icinga-plugins — Icinga plugins for Software Heritage infrastructure monitoring
- swh.indexer — Software Heritage indexer
- swh.lister — Software Heritage lister
- swh.loader.metadata — Software Heritage Extrinsic Metadata Fetchers
- swh.objstorage — Software Heritage object storage
- swh.objstorage.replayer — Software Heritage content replayer
- swh.provenance — Software Heritage provenance
- swh.scanner — Software Heritage code scanner
- swh.scheduler — Software Heritage scheduler
- — Software Heritage search service
- — Software Heritage storage manager
- swh.vault — Software Heritage vault
- swh.web.client — Software Heritage Web client
- swh.webhooks — Software Heritage Webhooks management
- sxm-discord — Top-level package for sxm-discord.
- sxm-player — Top-level package for sxm-player.
- sybil — Automated testing for the examples in your code and documentation.
- synformer — SynFormer: Generative Model for Synthesizable Molecule Generation
- TAP-Consumer — Parses and serializes Test Anything Protocol output.
- task2md — A program to generate markdown documentation files from Task files
- tavern — Simple testing of RESTful APIs
- tds2stac — TDS2STAC
- teams-ai — SDK focused on building AI based applications for Microsoft Teams.
- teams-ai-azml — SDK focused on building AI based applications for Microsoft Teams.
- teams-ai-azml-model — SDK focused on building AI based applications for Microsoft Teams.
- templatekit — Tookit for rendering Rubin Observatory project templates