Reverse Dependencies of types-openpyxl
The following projects have a declared dependency on types-openpyxl:
- crunch-uml — Crunch_uml reads UML Class model from multiple formats (including XMI, Enterprise Architect XMI, Excel, Json, and others), can perform transformations and renders them to other formats (including Markdown, json, json schema and many others).
- django-xlsx-serializer — Load/dump Django models from/to Excel 2007+ workbooks
- ETS-CookBook — The ETS (TNO) CookBook of useful Python Scripts
- excel-list-transform — Transform a list in excel or CSV
- followthemoney — no summary
- likelihood — A package that performs the maximum likelihood algorithm.
- robocorp-excel — Robocorp Excel automation library
- ssb-fagfunksjoner — Fellesfunksjoner for ssb i Python
- streamlit-process-manager — Manage the heck out of long-running processes in streamlit
- types-all-latest — A shim for the typeshed changes in mypy 0.900
- types-all-v2 — A shim for the typeshed changes in mypy
- xocto — Kraken Technologies Python service utilities