Reverse Dependencies of types-dataclasses
The following projects have a declared dependency on types-dataclasses:
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- acryl-datahub-actions — An action framework to work with DataHub real time changes.
- acryl-datahub-airflow-plugin — Datahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- acryl-datahub-dagster-plugin — Datahub Dagster plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- acryl-datahub-gx-plugin — Datahub GX plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- acryl-executor — An library used within Acryl Agents to execute tasks
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- babygruut — A tokenizer, text cleaner, and phonemizer for many human languages.
- binarytree — Python Library for Studying Binary Trees
- caimira — CAiMIRA - CERN Airborne Model for Indoor Risk Assessment
- cdpdev-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- clink — Component Link.
- cloudformation-cli-python-plugin — Python 3.6 and 3.7 language support for the CloudFormation CLI
- daktari — Assist in setting up and maintaining developer environments
- evidently — Open-source tools to analyze, monitor, and debug machine learning model in production.
- fake-module — Globally replace a module with a configurable fake.
- flake8-typechecking-import — A flake plugin that checks for typing.TYPE_CHECKING-able imports
- h5grove — Core utilities to serve HDF5 file contents
- http-caching4 — Caching support for Async httpx Client. Cloned from,
- humbug — Humbug: Do you build developer tools? Humbug helps you know your users.
- ilia — a JSON Schema draft 2020-12 validation library
- ipyflow-core — Backend package for ipyflow's dataflow functionality
- jittok — Swiss Army Knife-like toolbox for data processing
- kq — Kafka Job Queue for Python
- mock-file-tree — A simple interface to mock the os module with a virtual file tree.
- moonstream — Moonstream: Open source blockchain analytics
- myst-alpha — This is the official Python library for the Myst Platform.
- pingpong-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- prefect-datahub — Datahub prefect block to capture executions and send to Datahub
- puresnmp — Pure Python SNMP implementation
- pycaputo — Evaluate fractional integrals and solve fractional ODEs
- pycgdescent — Python wrapper for the CG_DESCENT library
- pyhamcrest — Hamcrest framework for matcher objects
- python-squall — Squall ASGI REST framework
- repobee-feedback — A plugin that adds the issue-feedback command to RepoBee
- rxn-reaction-preprocessing — Reaction preprocessing tools
- sail-on-client — Client and Protocols for DARPA sail-on
- scrape-schema-recipe — Extracts cooking recipe from HTML structured data in the format.
- simple-di — simple dependency injection library
- streamlit-pydantic — Auto-generate Streamlit UI from Pydantic Models & Dataclasses.
- superduperreload-core — Backend package for superduperreload's core functionality
- taskhawk — Taskhawk Python Library
- thisbeatest — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- treff7es-datahub-airflow-plugin — Datahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- types-all — A shim for the typeshed changes in mypy 0.900
- x690 — Pure Python X.690 implementation