Reverse Dependencies of twython
The following projects have a declared dependency on twython:
- Advertools — Digital Marketing productivity and analysis tools.
- chartpy — chartpy creates a simple easy to use API to plot in a number of great Python chart libraries
- cmsplugin-feed-ai — Social media feed plugin for Django CMS
- covid19-counter-pkg-richwellum — Track some basic covid19 statistics
- django-ditto — A Django app to copy stuff from your accounts on Flickr,, Pinboard and Twitter.
- django-simple-social — A generic system for interacting with remote APIs that need to create Django socials.
- findatapy — Market data library
- finmarketpy — finmarketpy is a Python based library for backtesting trading strategies
- fordpip — A ford-pip package
- kazquakersudp — Tools for receiving and interacting with Raspberry Shake UDP data
- memacs — Visualize your (digital) life in Emacs Org mode by converting data to Org mode format
- memeoverflow — Simple framework for Twitter bots creating memes from Stack Exchange questions
- neocortex — no summary
- nltk — Natural Language Toolkit
- nltk-ma — no summary
- opaipy — twitter bot
- OpenMediaBot — A library for creating media bots.
- parroter — twitter bot
- pug-data — Add a short description here!
- rsudp — Tools for receiving and interacting with Raspberry Shake UDP data
- tweetfeels — Real-time sentiment analysis for twitter.
- tweetvac — Package that makes sucking down tweets from Twitter easy.
- twembeddings — event detection in tweets
- twintel — Twitter data for signals intelligence
- twip — Tweet Impact Predictor
- twitter-tap — Collect tweets to a mongoDB using either the Twitter search API or the streaming API.
- vickitrix — trade crypto on GDAX based on tweets
- wagtailsocialfeed — A Wagtail module that provides pages and content blocks to show social media feeds