Reverse Dependencies of Twisted
The following projects have a declared dependency on Twisted:
- pyElizaChatbotClient — Basic stand-alone/websocket client for using in the Re-WoChat Shared task.
- pyf.station — PyF.Station is a protocol with client and server implementation to transfer python generators accross tcp networks.
- pyfsd — An implementation of protocol 9 of FSD based on Python & Twisted.
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pyintegrate — Definedge Securities Integrate API Python Client
- pylabrad — LabRAD interface for python
- pyne-xmas-elves — The Great Elf Game adapted for Python North East - client & server
- pynetsnmp-2 — ctypes wrapper for net-snmp
- pyp2p — Python P2P networking library
- pypbcms — A plugin based cluster management system written in python
- pypdbot — GUI routine for binance based automated bot
- pypegasus — python client for xiaomi/pegasus
- pypegasus3 — python3 client for xiaomi/pegasus
- pypiratzzi — pypiratzzi downloads signatures from PyPI.
- pypolyback — A simple back-end rest framework in python using twisted and cyclone
- pyrdp-mitm — Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Monster-in-the-Middle tool and Python library
- pysockssl — Simple TCP/TLS mitm engine supports SOCKSv4 + SOCKSv5 + Cert store
- pytest-httpx-recorder — Recorder feature based on pytest_httpx, like recorder feature in responses.
- pytest-trialtemp — py.test plugin for using the same _trial_temp working directory as trial
- python-binance-nosleep — Binance REST API python implementation
- python-cafe-consul — Asynchronous Consul extension for Cafe
- python-chatbot — Extensible IRC chatbot written in python.
- python-coincall — Python SDK for Coincall
- python-consul — Python client for Consul (
- python-consul2 — Python client for Consul (
- python-mpd2 — A Python MPD client library
- python-okx — Python SDK for OKX
- python-okx-async — Python SDK with async support for the OKX v5 API
- python-okx-async-django — Python SDK for OKX async
- python3-binance — Binance REST API python implementation
- pytigon-batteries — Pytigon library
- pyxspider — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
- qt-reactor — Twisted Qt Integration for Qt4 and Qt5 using qtpy
- qt5reactor — Twisted Qt Integration
- quayadmin — Do administrative stuff on
- quickjsonrpc — A library for writing asynchronous JSON-RPC servers and clients in Python, using Twisted
- quickmacapp — Make it easier to write Mac apps in Python
- qvibe-recorder — Bridges data to/from a mpu6050 to a tcp socket
- rasa-nlu-contrib — Rasa NLU engine backported from main Rasa project
- rdpy — Remote Desktop Protocol in Python
- rein — lightweight trading platform
- reqpi — Requirements-only PyPI-compatible server
- requests-threads — A Requests session that returns awaitable Twisted Deferreds instead of response objects.
- retwist — Write JSON REST APIs in the Twisted framework
- rexsio-agent — Rexsio Agent
- riko — A stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes.
- roslibpy — Python ROS Bridge library.
- roslibpy-vincentbaetenpxl — Python ROS Bridge library.
- rproxy — A super simple reverse proxy.
- rubecula — no summary
- runeascend — Runescape Trading Platform
- sagbescheid — systemd notification daemon
- sat — Salut à Toi multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- sat_pubsub — XMPP Publish-Subscribe Service Component, build for the need of the « Salut à Toi » project
- scirisweb — Scientific webapps for Python
- scrachy — Enhanced functionality for Scrapy.
- scraper-factory — Scraping library to retrieve data from useful pages, such as Amazon wishlists
- Scrapy — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
- scrapy-do — A daemon for scheduling Scrapy spiders
- scrapy-do-heroku — A daemon for scheduling Scrapy spiders
- scrapy-extensions — A collection of Scrapy extensions and other utilities
- scrapy-helper — scrapy helper
- scrapy-jsonrpc — Scrapy extenstion to control spiders using JSON-RPC
- scrapy-jsonrpc-api — Scrapy extenstion to control spiders using JSON-RPC By Allen
- Scrapy-kk-Plus — Plus Support for Scrapy
- scrapy-omdena-latam — Web Crawling application running Scrapy Tool extracting official policies
- scrapy-plus — scrapy 常用爬网必备工具包
- scrapy-poet — Page Object pattern for Scrapy
- Scrapy-QFM — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
- scrapy-spiderstats-extension — Scrapy Spider Stats to MongoDB Extension
- scrapy-wayback-machine — A Scrapy middleware for scraping Wayback Machine snapshots from
- Scrapy3 — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
- scrapyd — A service for running Scrapy spiders, with an HTTP API
- scrapyd-dingding — Add nails to scrapyd foundation for alarm
- scrapyd_kit — A kit for extending Scrapyd
- scrapydartx — a extension from ScrapydArt
- sdss-actorcore — SDSS core base actor
- sdss-bossicc — The BOSS Instrument Control Computer for APO.
- sdss-opscore — SDSS core actor and parsing classes
- secretflow-doctools — Documentation toolchain for SecretFlow
- secretly — Perform an asynchronous task with a secret.
- setuptools_trial — Setuptools plugin that makes unit tests execute with trial instead of pyunit.
- shannon-scrapyd — Add nails to scrapyd foundation for alarm
- sibi — Synchronous Interactiver Brokers Interface
- simpl-modelservice — Python Library to implement Simulations, built on and Django.
- simple_comet — A simple Comet server
- simple-pyms — Microservices Without Headaches
- simulaqron — A simulator for developing Quantum Internet software
- smart-app-framework — Python-фреймворк, который позволяет создавать смартапы для виртуальных ассистентов Салют.
- smartdns — An Intelligent DNS Similar to DNSPod
- smarts — no summary
- socs — Simons Observatory Control System
- spellcast — Casts a video to a DLNA media renderer in the local network.
- splash — A javascript rendered with a HTTP API
- spotware-connect — A python client wraper for Spotware Open API 2.0
- srv — Serve a directory with one command
- ssh-websocket — A Stable implementation of a SSH server over websocket
- stenographer — An HTTP interaction recorder for Twisted Web
- STIM-Module — League of Legends STIM Module
- stoqserver — Stoq server