Reverse Dependencies of trollsift
The following projects have a declared dependency on trollsift:
- ctdpy — Package to handle CTD data
- disdrodb — This package provides tools to homogenize, process, and analyze global disdrometer data.
- gldas — Readers and converters for data from the GLDAS Noah Land Surface Model.
- goes-api — Python API for downloading and searching GOES-16/17/18/19 satellite data on local and cloud storage.
- gpm-api — Python Package for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Data Archive
- himawari-api — Python API for downloading and searching Himawari satellite data on local and cloud storage.
- pyspectral — Reading and manipulaing satellite sensor spectral responses and the solar spectrum, to perfom various corrections to VIS and NIR band data
- pytroll_collectors — Pytroll data collectors
- pytroll-watchers — Utility functions and scripts to watch for new files on local or remote filesystems.
- radar-api — Python software to retrieve weather radar data from cloud buckets
- satpy — Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
- smap_io — SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) data readers
- smos — SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) image data readers and TS converter
- trollduction — Pytroll batch production library
- trollflow_sat — Pytroll workflow plugins for satellite data
- trollflow2 — Pytroll workflow execution framework