Reverse Dependencies of transformers
The following projects have a declared dependency on transformers:
- xtract-nlp — A tool to process codebases, generate embeddings for code chunks, and query code snippets using natural language models like CodeBERT.
- xtranslator — A package for translating text and detecting languages
- xtts-api-server — A simple FastAPI server to host XTTSv2
- xtuner — An efficient, flexible and full-featured toolkit for fine-tuning large models
- xtuning — Fine-tuning, evaluation and data generation for LLMs
- xturing — Fine-tuning, evaluation and data generation for LLMs
- XueKit — By Xue Chao.
- xxtest — A query language for language models.
- xxtest0616v1 — A query language for language models.
- yasem — YASEM - Yet Another Splade|Sparse Embedder - A simple and efficient library for SPLADE embeddings
- yDataPrep — prepare your dataset for finetuning LLMs
- yena — My yena Python package
- yInference — Inference your Fine tuned LLM
- yival — YiVal is an open-source project designed to revolutionize the way developers and researchers evaluate and refine AI models.
- ykutil — A continuously updates repository of utility functions.
- ylab-yato — YATO: Yet Another deep learning based Text analysis Open toolkit
- ym-csv-pii-sanitizer — Redact a PHI (personal health
- yoflo — YO-FLO: A proof-of-concept in using advanced vision models as a YOLO alternative.
- yolo-world-open — YOLO-World: Real-time Open Vocabulary Object Detection
- yomikata — Japanese kanji disambiguation
- yotta-labs — no summary
- youtube-discussion-tree-api — This is a python API that allows you to obtain the discussion that occurs in the comments of a YouTube video as a tree structure.
- ysda — no summary
- ytchat — An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model based chatbots.
- ytsum — Summarize YouTube video instantly with the power of distill-whisper and Mixtral-8B
- yucheng-ner — Named Entities Recognition by Token Pair Linking
- yuezhlib — Library for preprocessing Cantonese and Written Chinese
- zarth-utils — Package used for my personal development on ML projects.
- zebra-qa — ZEBRA: Zero-Shot Example-Based Retrieval Augmentation for Commonsense Question Answering
- zeldarose — Train transformer-based models
- zennews — ZenNews: Get summarized news on a schedule.
- zensols.deepnlp — Deep learning utility library for natural language processing that aids in feature engineering and embedding layers.
- zensols.medcat — Concept annotation tool for Electronic Health Records
- zensvi — This package handles downloading, cleaning, analyzing street view imagery in a one-stop and zen manner.
- zero_shot_labeler — A lightweight zero-shot labeler for text classification
- zero-shot-re — A zero-shot relation extractor
- zeroai — A Flask-based model training application with authentication.
- zerommt — An open-source framework for zero-shot multimodal machine translation inference
- zeroshot-topics — Topic Inference with Zeroshot models
- zetascale — Rapidly Build, Optimize, and Train SOTA AI Models
- zeus-ml — A framework for deep learning energy measurement and optimization.
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zgl-streaming — Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores
- zhijian — ZhiJian: A Unifying and Rapidly Deployable Toolbox for Pre-trained Model Reuse
- zhkeybert — Based on KeyBERT performs Chinese documents keyword extraction with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- zhpr — no summary
- zipfai — no summary
- zklora — A Python library for zero-knowledge proof generation and verification
- zlai — A LLM Agent Python package.
- zrag — A simple library for building Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications.
- zshot — Zero and Few shot named entity recognition
- zuowen — Python 作文生成器
- zyh — Easily show off amazing scripys by zyh
- zyl-utils — optimizer
- zz-img-caption — CLI tool for image caption using BLIP & BLIP2