Reverse Dependencies of trame-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on trame-client:
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- pyvista — Easier Pythonic interface to VTK
- streamlit-pyvista — A Streamlit component that allow support for new PyVista viewer backend: Trame.
- su2gui — SU2GUI is a Python-based graphical user interface designed to simplify the setup, execution, and analysis of simulations using the SU2 software suite.
- su2guitest — no summary
- trame — Trame, a framework to build applications in plain Python
- trame-alerts — A trame package to manage and display alerts
- trame-annotations — Trame widgets for image/video annotations
- trame-code — Widget for Monaco VS code editor for trame
- trame-components — Core components for trame widgets
- trame-datagrid — Trame widget for RevoGrid
- trame-deckgl — widget for trame
- trame-formkit — FormKit integration into trame widgets
- trame-gantt — Widget for gantt diagram for trame
- trame-grid-layout — Trame wrapper to vue-grid-layout
- trame-gwc — Trame wrapper to girder_web_components
- trame-iframe — Helper for iframe/cross-origin communication for trame
- trame-keycloak — Keycloak Authentication trame widget
- trame-leaflet — Leaflet widget for trame
- trame-markdown — Markdown widget for trame
- trame-matplotlib — Markdown widget for trame
- trame-mesh-streamer — Client/Server library for progressive delivery of meshes
- trame-plotly — Plotly figure widget for trame
- trame-pvui — Trame widgets which may be used in the Paraview user interface (Pvui)
- trame-quasar — Quasar widget library for trame
- trame-rca — Remote Controlled Area widget for trame
- trame-router — Vue Router widgets for trame
- trame-simput — Simput implementation for trame
- trame-tauri — Helper widget to provide simpler integration with Tauri
- trame-tweakpane — TweakPane widgets for trame
- trame-vega — Vega widget for trame
- trame-video — Trame wrapper to vue @videothing components
- trame-vtk — VTK widgets for trame
- trame-vtk3d — Trame wrapper to WASM bundle of VTK from dicehub
- trame-vtklocal — VTK Local Rendering using WASM
- trame-vuetify — Vuetify widgets for trame
- trame-xterm — Trame widget to expose xterm.js