Reverse Dependencies of tracardi
The following projects have a declared dependency on tracardi:
- tracardi-event-counter — This plugin reads how many events of defined type were triggered within defined time.
- tracardi-event-scheduler — This plugin schedules event at given time.
- tracardi-fullcontact-webhook — This plugin reads data from FullContact service about the provided e-mail.
- tracardi-inject-event — This node will inject event of given id into payload
- tracardi-key-counter — This plugin counts keys provided in payload.
- tracardi-lang-detection — This plugin detects language from given string.
- tracardi-language-detection — This plugin detect language from given string with meaningcloud API
- tracardi-maxmind-geolite2 — This plugins connect to maxmind geolite2 service and retrieve location data.
- tracardi-mongodb-connector — The purpose of this plugin is to connect to mongo and retrieve data.
- tracardi-mysql-connector — The purpose of this plugin is to connect with mysql database and perform query.
- tracardi-postgresql-connector — The purpose of this plugin is to connect with postresql
- tracardi-profile-segmentation — This plugin will add/remove segment from the profile.
- tracardi-pushover-webhook — This plugin connects with pushover app and sends message.
- tracardi-rabbitmq-publisher — The purpose of this plugin is publish payload to rabbitmq.
- tracardi-remote-call — This plugin calls remote API.
- tracardi-sentiment-analysis — It connects to the service that infers sentiment from a given sentence
- tracardi-smtp-connector — The purpose of this plugin is sending mail within Tracardi system.
- tracardi-text-classification — It connects to the service that classifies given sentence