Reverse Dependencies of tqdm-stubs
The following projects have a declared dependency on tqdm-stubs:
- cnn-runner — Software package for CNN run
- cu-cat — An end-to-end gpu Python library that encodes categorical variables into machine-learnable numerics
- graphistry — A visual graph analytics library for extracting, transforming, displaying, and sharing big graphs with end-to-end GPU acceleration
- imxInsights — python imx insights module to get information from imx files
- internetarchive — A Python interface to
- lazyFPL — Fantasy Premier League Team Optimizer - Win at FPL with lazines
- pyvista-view — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- ztfparsnip — Generate noisified lightcurves based on the BTS sample and retrain Parsnip with these.