Reverse Dependencies of tox-direct
The following projects have a declared dependency on tox-direct:
- adcorr — Area detector corrections as pure python functions.
- aioca — Asynchronous Channel Access client for asyncio and Python using libca via ctypes
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- bluesky-stomp — STOMP integration for bluesky
- builder2ibek — Conversion tool for DLS XML builder IOC instances to ibek ioc.yaml
- catio — Control system integration of EtherCAT I/O devices running under TwinCAT using pyads and FastCS
- chimpflow — Service which polls the database for subwell images which need to have the chimp detector run on them.
- coniql — Interface to control systems via GraphQL over websockets
- copier-example — Short description
- cothread — Build tools using cooperative threading
- daq-config-server — A service to put and get your config values from
- dls-backup-bl — A backup tool for beamlines for pmacs, terminal servers, zebras
- dls-bluesky-core — Common Diamond specific Bluesky plans and functions
- dls-bxflow — Distributed beamline automated data processing workflow engine and gui platform core.
- dls-bxflow-epsic — Bxflow beamline code for ePSIC.
- dls-deploy-tools — A set of tools used for deploying applications to a shared filesystem.
- dls-dodal — Ophyd devices and other utils that could be used across DLS beamlines
- dls-logformatter — Python logging formatter for readability.
- dls-mainiac — Convenient Python helper classes for cli Main programs.
- dls-multiconf — Python class for runtime configuration coordinating multiple services.
- dls-normsql — Normalized API over various sql libraries for consistency across multiple projects.
- dls-pairstream — Simple data streaming protocol.
- dls-pmacanalyse — analysis tool for validating pmac motion controller configuration
- dls-pmaccontrol — GUI for low level control and monitoring of turbo pmac and power pmac motion controllers
- dls-pmaclib — Python library for communicating with Delta Tau PMACs (both Turbo and Power)
- dls-python-copier-template-example — An expanded to illustrate how it looks with all the options enabled.
- dls-servbase — Simple HTTP service for database operations.
- dls-slurmjob — Simplified job submit and status using Slurm REST.
- dls-utilpack — Library of various useful Python classes and functions.
- echolocator — XChem GUI for manually targeting drop points for the Echo dispenser.
- edge-containers-cli — CLI for deploying and managing epics containers IOCs and services
- epics-containers-cli — One line description of your module
- event-model — Data model used by the bluesky ecosystem.
- fastcs — Control system agnostic framework for building Device support in Python that will work for both EPICS and Tango
- ftrixminer — XChem Business Knowledge Unit. Service, Client, API, persistent store.
- gphotos-sync — Google Photos and Albums backup tool
- hdf5-reader-service — Microservice for reading HDF5 data and serving it via REST, aimed at performance and concurrency
- ibek — IOC builder for EPICS and Kubernetes
- Kodman — A command-line tool that provides a Docker-like interface for Kubernetes operations
- lims-utils — Commonly used utility functions for Expeye and adjacent projects/APIs.
- maaspower — Power control webhook server for Canonical's MAAS
- mciwb — Minecraft Interactive world builder
- mkdocs-techdocs-diamond — An Mkdocs plugin for configuring Diamond Techdocs sites
- mx-bluesky — Bluesky tools for MX Beamlines at DLS
- observability-utils — A set of functions to reduce the boilerplate required to add observability to your service of module
- odin-fastcs — FastCS support for the Odin detector software framework
- ophyd — Bluesky hardware abstraction with an emphasis on EPICS
- ophyd-async — Asynchronous Bluesky hardware abstraction code, compatible with control systems like EPICS and Tango
- p99_bluesky — p99 sandbox
- pandablocks — A Python client to control and data ports of the PandABlocks TCP server
- pandablocks-ioc — Create an IOC from a PandA
- papermill-service — A REST API which executes jupyter notebooks via papermill
- ppmac-macro-substitution — A script that substitutes macros in tamplate files.
- psc-datalogger — Logs data from one-or-more devices for an extended period of time
- pvi — EPICS PV Interface described in YAML
- pytac — Python Toolkit for Accelerator Controls
- python3-pip-skeleton — One line description of your module
- rockingester — Service to discover incoming images from the Formulatrix Rockmaker and ingest them into the database.
- rtems-proxy — Support for a K8S proxy container in controlling and monitoring RTEMS EPICS IOCs
- scanspec — Specify step and flyscan paths in a serializable, efficient and Pythonic way
- setuptools-openapi-generator — A setuptools extension for generating OpenAPI clients
- soakdb3 — Replacement for soakdb2, including a new database backend.
- tickit — Event-based device simulation framework
- tickit-devices — Devices for tickit, an event-based device simulation framework
- velocity-profile — Module for calculating velocity profile
- xchem-chimp — XChem CHIMP
- xchembku — XChem Business Knowledge Unit. Service, Client, API, persistent store.