Reverse Dependencies of touchtouch
The following projects have a declared dependency on touchtouch:
- a-cv-imwrite-imread-plus — Less trouble reading/writing images with OpenCV (from url/path/buffer/base64...)
- a-pandas-ex-df2htmlstring — exports pandas DataFrames/Series as HTML (formatted string that looks like a table!)
- a-pandas-ex-dillpickle — Pickle pandas DataFrames without AttributeError: Can't pickle local object ...
- a-pandas-ex-memorydump-to-df — Load a ProcDump memory dump into a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-whatsapp-to-df — Use the power of pandas to search through your WhatsApp messages (Doesn't require root access!)
- adbkit — Big automation package for ADB
- adbkonnekt — automates ADB management in Windows, ensuring ADB listens to all TCP (no USB!) devices, handles configurations, and restarts if killed
- adbpackagesmanager — Manages Android packages on a device through DataFrames
- add2winpath — Adds/removes folders to the PATH on Windows (Current User/All Users). It doesn't spoil paths with variables (e.g. %windir%\system32)
- auto-download-undetected-chromedriver — Script to automatically download the right undetected chromedriver version
- babyonemoretime — Kills python + all subprocesses, restarts with the same args, Windows only, works with pyinstaller
- cinpy — C/C++ in Python for Dummies
- cmdlineobserver — Monitors and observes running processes with their command line details.
- codec-social-network — Uses a codec that every social network accepts
- convpic2ico — Converts an image to .ico - Windows
- copytool — copytool copies files hell-bent for leather
- dateiendifferenz — tailored for handling file parsing and encoding conversion
- detachedproc — Similar to subprocess, but with 100% detached processes
- downloadunzip — creates, uploads, downloads, extracts and copies archives (zip, tar ...)
- easy-symlink — Creates symlinks and all folders in the symlink path if they don't exist
- enumerate-all-files-in-folder — A function that enumerates all files in a folder (and subfolders)
- evtx2df — converts Windows Event Logs (EVTX) into pandas DataFrames / CSV files
- file-folder-tools — Some useful functions for files/folders
- files-folders-with-timestamp — Timestamps in readable format, touch folders/files with timestamp
- folderobserver — monitors and collects temporary files that might be created during software execution or system processes
- getevent-sendevent — Converts getevent (ADB) into sendevent/binary, output can be saved, loaded and executed. Execution speed can be defined.
- ignoreexceptions — Decorators that provide graceful exception handling, customization of error handling behavior, error logging
- iptoolv4 — Finds ipv4 addresses in log files / stdout
- jerryrigserialgen — jerry-rigged license system with UUID check (preventing more than one installation) and expiration date
- konfigleser — parses config files and converts the data types
- locate-pixelcolor-cpp — Locate RGB values in a picture! Up to 10x faster than NumPy, 100x faster than PIL.
- logcatdevices — Multiple ADB logcat with colored output / csv export
- mft2parquet — mft to parquet (pyarrow dtypes)
- multitessiocr — Performs a very fast OCR on a list of images (file path, url, base64, bytes, numpy, PIL ...) using Tesseract and returns the recognized text, its coordinates, and line-based word grouping in a DataFrame.
- nic2proxy — Creates Proxies and binds them to a NIC - Windows only
- numba-aot-compiler — A function to facilitate the Ahead-of-time compilation with Numba
- nutikacompile — A function that creates the cmd line for nuitka and executes it - Windows only
- pandasmemuc — Automating memu emulator with pandas
- pdferli — Convert PDFs into pandas DataFrames, remove restrictions, put/crack PDF passwords
- pfehler — Captures and logs exceptions, optionally printing them to stderr
- pic2square2icon — 2 functions that provide convenient and efficient ways to resize images to a square with custom backgrounds and convert images to the ICO format
- pip2df — Parses all imports and the imports of the imports of a py file into a Pandas DataFrame using pipdeptree/pipreqs/pip
- procciao — A library for killing processes/subprocesses the most gracefully way possible
- procmondf — provides a convenient and efficient solution for capturing and analyzing system activity logs using Procmon and converting them to the pandas compatible Parquet file format (2% of the original pml file size)
- proxifyapps — wrapper for proxifyre
- requests2hdd — downloads files from a URL, creates the same folder structure on the HDD as the URL has, and saves the file
- ripgreppythonfiles — Search for code in your env using ripgrep
- rlogfi — Detached PowerShell interactive session, but with full control
- rushex — Search files using the fastest Regex Engine ever - ripgrep - Replacement is also supported!
- schirmshots — records multiple (background) windows using ctypes and ffmpeg - Windows only
- sendevent-getevent-keyboard — ADB sendevent - press multiple keys at the same time, control the duration of each event!
- sendevent-touch — Sendevents for faster / more reliable touch/longtouch events when using ADB
- shellextools — Adds Python functions/methods to the Windows context menu
- silentwav — Creates a silent WAV file with the specified duration and saves it to the given filename.
- site2hdd — Download sites with public proxies - threading
- solvacaptcha — automates the process of solving reCAPTCHA challenges on web pages when using Selenium
- subprocess-print-and-capture — Print and capture the output of a subprocess simultaneously
- subprocplus — subprocess + some useful stuff
- sysmon2df — Captures Sysmon events and converts the output into a pandas DataFrames / CSV
- tesserhocr2df — tesseract hocr to pandas DataFrame
- tmplmatching — Fast multitemplate matching with support for different sizes using numexpr / cupy / fftw / scipy / multiprocessing
- uffspd — Wrapper for the fastest file/folder list tool (UFFS) 350 GB in less than 3 Minutes (1.800.000 files and folders)
- usefuladb — A collection of useful adb commands
- usefuladbplus — Automation library for ADB / Android
- videoconcat — Concatenates videos
- whatdiditdo — Observes what processes are doing (Windows only)
- whats2df — Whatsapp to Pandas DataFrame (csv/xlsx/pkl) Doesn't require root access!
- windows-filepath — Makes a string file path compatible (Windows)
- winuserfolder — Makes it easier to access Documents/Pictures/Desktop/Music/Videos/Downloads
- write-read-file — Some useful functions for reading/writing files