Reverse Dependencies of tomli_w
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli_w:
- phelel — Electron-phonon code.
- phoenixc2 — A C2 Framework for Red Team Operations
- picsi — CSI collection on Raspberry Pi
- pip-licenses — Dump the software license list of Python packages installed with pip.
- pip-tools — pip-tools keeps your pinned dependencies fresh.
- plainconf — Minimal configuration handling supporting hashicorp vault.
- playlist2podcast — Creates podcast feed from playlist URL
- pplkit — Pipeline building toolkit
- PPManager — no summary
- primod — Pre-process iMOD Coupler
- project-config — Reproducible configuration across projects.
- Prometa — Manage project metadata.
- protein-turnover — protein turnover pipeline
- protein-turnover-website — Protein Turnover web pipeline
- protoblade — no summary
- ProxyStore — Advanced data flow management for distributed Python applications
- psiconfig — A module to validate and load config files.
- pspm — A simple Python package manager
- pulp-cli — Command line interface to talk to pulpcore's REST API.
- pyaedt — High-level Python API for Ansys Electronics Desktop Framework
- pyape — The Python Application Programming Environment.
- pyasic — A simplified and standardized interface for Bitcoin ASICs.
- pydjinni — An opinionated Djinni reimplementation written in Python.
- pydoc-markdown — Create Python API documentation in Markdown format.
- pyFEM — Python Finite Element Method
- pykg-manager — A proposal Fable Python package manager
- pylc-cli — A small CLI tool to solve leetcode problems from your favorite text editor!
- PynamicGain — Dynamic Gain input generation for distributed PClamp setups.
- pynchon — Autodocs for python projects
- pyp2spec — Generate a valid Fedora specfile from Python package from PyPI
- pypfilt — Bootstrap particle filter for epidemic forecasting
- pyproject-bumper — Add your description here
- pyproject-scaffold — no summary
- pyproject-validate — Validate and format pyproject.toml files
- pyprojectlib — no summary
- pyprojectsort — Formatter for pyproject.toml files
- pypyr — task-runner for automation pipelines defined in yaml. cli & api.
- pyroll-cli — PyRoll rolling simulation framework - command line interface (CLI).
- pyrosimple — A stripped-down version of the pyrocore tools for working with rTorrent
- pyserde — Yet another serialization library on top of dataclasses
- python-box — Advanced Python dictionaries with dot notation access
- python-cli-example — no summary
- python-license-manager — Python license manager
- python-release-master — An automated Python package release management tool with AI-powered changelog generation
- pytrilogy-nlp — NLP interface for Trilogy
- qcop — A package for operating Quantum Chemistry programs using qcio standardized data structures. Compatible with TeraChem, psi4, QChem, NWChem, ORCA, Molpro, geomeTRIC and many more.
- qcparse — A package for parsing Quantum Chemistry program file outputs into structured qcio data objects.
- qualibrate — no summary
- qualibrate-app — no summary
- qualibrate-config — no summary
- qualibrate-runner — no summary
- quanstants — Intuitive and unastonishing physical quantities, units, constants, and uncertainties in Python
- quecital — Fact quiz and line recital
- quicklab — Start Jupyter Lab sessions on the cloud
- ranlib — RAN library
- redvox — Library for working with RedVox files.
- redvox-base — Specifies base dependencies used by multiple RedVox, Inc projects.
- releaserr — Simple, purpose-built release manager for @gotmax23's projects
- reptor — reptor allows you automating pentest reporting with SysReptor.
- reqs-cli — no summary
- researchgraph — Add your description here
- responses — A utility library for mocking out the `requests` Python library.
- rgb2mqtt — Python script to make OpenRGB lights available in MQTT
- ribasim — Pre- and post-process Ribasim
- rickled — Tools for pickling Python objects in a completely different way
- ridepy — Simulates a dispatching algorithm serving exogenous transportation requests with a fleet of vehicles. Does not simulate the universe, unlike MATSim. Batteries are included.
- robotcode-plugin — Some classes for RobotCode plugin management
- robotframework-tidy — Code autoformatter for Robot Framework
- robotpy-build — Build tool for RobotPy projects
- rsrtools — Tools for managing Rocksmith 2014 songlists and save files.
- scape-apa — A package for estimating alternative polyadenylation events from scRNA-seq data.
- schemathesis — Property-based testing framework for Open API and GraphQL based apps
- scikit-rt — Toolkit for analysis of radiotherapy data
- scuzzie — a simple webcomic static site generator
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- sentinelhub — Python API for Sentinel Hub
- serpent-cli — A CLI-based Python project template tool
- serval-ml-commons — SerVal Machine learning commons is a tools box that ease the development of ML experiments at SerVal.
- setuptools — Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- sferriol-wamp — WAMP utilities
- simple-dataclass-configuration — no summary
- simple-file-settings — Easily load and save simple configuration data to and from disk through a type-checked data class.
- simple-parsing — A small utility for simplifying and cleaning up argument parsing scripts.
- sitri — Library for one endpoint config managment
- soroban — API and CLI for Soroban contracts in Python
- spectrafit — Fast fitting of 2D- and 3D-Spectra with established routines
- spotcrates — no summary
- squaz — An app to quiz the user on trivia
- ssb-timeseries — SSB Timeseries
- starflow-py — Python package for starflow.
- statue — All your static code analysis tools, in one place
- stonefish — Python code protection
- superalgorithm — Python framework for algorithmic trading
- swak — Swiss army knife for functional data-science projects.
- syft — Perform numpy-like analysis on data that remains in someone elses server
- t2j — t2j converts TOML input to JSON output and vice versa.
- tabular-augmentation — Implementing easy-to-use methods for classical and novel tabular data augmentation and synthesis.
- tach — A Python tool to maintain a modular package architecture.
- texproject — An automatic LaTeX project manager.
- thundra-ai — Neonize Abstraction