Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- authventure — Library for the simpler user authentication
- auto-config — auto config for my personal devices
- auto-ddns — auto config dns
- auto-token — auto manage token
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- AutoCarver — Automatic Discretization of Features with Optimal Target Association
- autofac — AutoFac is a library for using Dependency Inversion Principle in Python
- autofold — Hassle-free and easy to use bot for [](
- autogoal — Automatic Generation Optimization And Learning
- AutoGPT-Forge — no summary
- autohack — This package does automated vulnerability enumeration and recommends exploits.
- automabot — Automabot bot for Discord.
- automagically — Python SDK für Automagically.
- autometa — autometa library prototype
- autonomize-ai-shared-dto-models — Central repository for shared Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) used across different services and repositories. This Package contains Python implementations of our data models.
- autonomy-dev — A collection of tooling to enable open source development of autonomy tools
- autopkg-wrapper — A package used to execute some autopkg functions, primarily within the context of a GitHub Actions runner.
- autopytest — Autotest python code
- autorecipes — Generic Conan recipes for CMake and Python projects.
- autoscaleaws — Auto scale AWS by spot instances to launch tasks
- autostar — Auto-updating datafiles from astronomy databases.
- autosys — System Utilities for Python on macOS.
- autotorrent2 — Torrent lifecycle management tool
- AutoTrans — Automating the entire translation process with LLM
- autovpn — A CLI wrapper for Cisco's Anyconnect VPN tool
- auxon-sdk — no summary
- avasar — Text generation DSL in python
- avmesos-cli — Apache Mesos CLI
- Awa2 — Simple Setup
- awesome-panel-cli — A CLI tool to speed up your workflow when developing Panel applications
- aws-advanced-python-wrapper — Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Python Wrapper
- aws-arn-delete — Delete AWS resources based off its ARN
- aws-cdk-lambda-poetry-asset — AWS CDK construct for packaging lambda functions with dependencies
- aws-codeartifact-poetry — AWS CodeArtifact Poetry CLI
- aws-credential-process — AWS Credential Process
- aws-lambda-python-packager — Description
- aws-service-catalog-factory — Making it easier to build out ServiceCatalog products
- aws-session-daemon — AWS session token refreshing daemon
- awscli-adfs — Login to AWS CLI using Active Directory Federation Services.
- awsfind — searches across all accounts and regions known to chaim for the item(s)
- awsmfunc — awesome VapourSynth functions
- axblack — The uncompromising code formatter (compromised version)
- axlearn — AXLearn
- azely — Computation and plotting of azimuth and elevation for astronomical objects
- azulejo — tile phylogenetic space with subtrees
- azure-datalake-utils — Utilidades para interactuar con Azure Datalake.
- azure-integration — Microsoft Azure Integration
- azure-keyvault-browser — A tool for browsing and searching for secrets in Azure Key Vault
- azure-keyvault-cli — This is a CLI to show and check secrets from an Azure KeyVault
- azurecr-browser — A terminal user interface for managing artifacts in Azure Container Registry
- b3q — Boto3 utility library that supports parameter-driven and predicate-driven retrieval of collections of AWS resources.
- b7w-cli — Useful cli for photos and other things
- BA-Marissa-Alexis — Produce expiration tracker
- BA-produce-tracker — Produce expiration tracker
- babbleon — babbleon - Manage your app translations with ease.
- babel_langlib — Fast, optimized and high-performance, high-load oriented library for i18n and l10n
- bacalhau-sdk — Compute over Data framework for public, transparent, and optionally verifiable computation using IPFS & Filecoin.
- — Backend.AI Console Server
- — Backend.AI WebUI Host
- backrun — Run other programs in background
- backup-juggler — Multiple copies of files and directories simultaneously made easy
- bacore — BACore is a framework for business analysis and test automation.
- badfiles — A malicious file detection engine written with Python and Yara.
- badger-proxy — mDNS-based reverse proxy for naming services on a local network.
- badges-gitlab — Generate badges for Gitlab Projects in Public and Private Repositories
- baikalctl — Top-level package for baikalctl.
- baldrick — baldrick: a cunning plan for GitHub bots
- bamboolib — bamboolib - a GUI for pandas
- banyan-python — Massively parallel cloud computing with popular Python libraries for analytics, processing, and simulation!
- BAproducetracker — Produce expiration tracker
- baram — AWS Framework for python
- barb — Hassle free git hooks for python projects.
- bare-estate — Manage your dotfiles seamlessly
- barotropy — A Python tool for barotropic fluid property modeling.
- barriers — Python decorators for including/excluding type checks, value/bounds checks, and other code blocks within the compiled bytecode of functions and methods.
- bartbroere-eland — [Development fork!] Python Client and Toolkit for DataFrames, Big Data, Machine Learning and ETL in Elasticsearch
- base-client-api — Base Client API; Used to build other client APIs
- basecone — no summary
- basedosdados — Organizar e facilitar o acesso a dados brasileiros através de tabelas públicas no BigQuery.
- basepy — Base library of python 3.6+ and asyncio, include log, config, event, metric etc.
- bastion-key-client — FABRIC Bastion host key rotation utility
- batpy — A python package to read, write, and calculate batteries in the BatPaC tool.
- battery-advisor — A simple tool to monitor and notify about battery status. Built with Python.
- batteryopt — battery operation optimization
- bayspec — Astronomical spectrum fitting tool
- bbrc-validator — Systematic sanity checks on imaging datasets within an XNAT environment
- bbtkv2 — Code to control the BlackBox ToolKit v2 device for audio-visual timing checks
- bbtq — Barebones TOML query.
- bceserver — server-go in python
- bcqa — A Benchmark for Complex Heterogeneous Question answering
- bdd100k — BDD100K Dataset Toolkit
- bead-state-model — "Wrapper for ReaDDy2 to set up simulations of actomyosin networks."
- beaker-kernel — no summary
- beanie — Asynchronous Python ODM for MongoDB
- beanis — Asynchronous Python ODM for Redis
- beanmachine — Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Inference
- bearparse — A custom argument parser for non-standard arguments. Useful for Appworx
- beet — The Minecraft pack development kit
- beetools — Tools for batch scripts, virtual environments and utilities.
- beets-playlistc — A beets plugin to create playlists from query strings