Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- new-fave — New Vowel Extraction Suite
- newpyter — no summary
- nexusai — Add your description here
- nfa — Pure-Python library for building and working with nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs).
- nginx-logs-parser-and-process — Get Logs From Nginx Servers
- ngptbot — Wrapper for ChatGPT API
- ngs-test-utils — Utilities for generation of synthetic NGS files
- ni-python-styleguide — NI's internal and external Python linter rules and plugins
- nibabies — Processing workflows for magnetic resonance images of the brain in infants
- niceml — Welcome to niceML 🍦, a Python-based MLOps framework that uses TensorFlow and Dagster. This framework streamlines the development, and maintenance of machine learning models, providing an end-to-end solution for building efficient and scalable pipelines.
- nidaqmx — NI-DAQmx Python API
- nidn — A package for inverse material design of nanostructures using neural networks.
- nightskycam-images — no summary
- nightskyrunner — no summary
- Nikola — A modular, fast, simple, static website and blog generator
- nilql — Library for working with encrypted data within nilDB queries and replies.
- nimbalwear — NiMBaLWear wearable device data processing pipeline.
- nimble-raccoon — A slim and fast implementation of the RACCOON clustering library.
- ninjakiwi-api — NinjaKiwi API (Open Data) for Python! (My first library)
- ninjecto — Ninja Injection Tool. Template rendering and variable injection made easy.
- nipype2pydra — Tool for converting Nipype tasks and workflows into Pydra syntax
- nitpick — Enforce the same settings across multiple language-independent projects
- nlon-py — Python package for identifying text containing natural language (or not) using machine learning.
- nmodl-glia — NMODL Asset Manager for Arbor and NEURON
- nms-ts — A tool for grabbing binary text from a No Man's Sky screenshot and translating it to UTF-8 for you.
- no-config — Simple configuration handling in Python.
- node-require — Like Node.js's require(), but with more supported formats
- nodespecs — The specs summarize utilities for computer instance
- noetry — A simple package management tool.
- noisytest — A noise-based failure detection tool for robot testing
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- nomad-plugins — A plugin for discovering other plugins.
- nomade — Migration Manager for Humans
- nomenclate — A tool set for automating and generating strings based on arbitrary user-defined naming conventions.
- nonebot-plugin-bili-push — nonebot plugin bili push
- nonebot-plugin-bili-push-kook — nonebot plugin bili push
- nonebot-plugin-kanonbot — nonebot plugin kanonbot
- nonebot-plugin-manageweb — Nonebot插件商店安装插件,使用基于fastapi和amis的webui安装
- nonebot-plugin-pluginupdatecheck — A plugin of chatbot based on nonebot2 framework,it can check the updateable plugins already installed.Also can install new plugins.
- nonebot-plugin-updater — 一款全新的检测已安装插件更新情况的插件
- norite — A simple static website generator powered by Jinja2
- nork — CLI for open source PaaS and framework.
- normcap — OCR-powered screen-capture tool to capture information instead of images.
- nornir-scrapli — Scrapli's plugin for Nornir
- not-grep — kinda like grep but not quite
- notarizer — Notarizer is a tool that provides a way of verifying the authenticity of docker images.
- note-template — no summary
- notion-cli-list-manager — A simple command-line tool for managing Notion databases.
- notion-cli-py — NotionCLI - The CLI tool for (
- notionpy — A terminal client of in Python.
- nought — A super customizable file cleaner/organizer/automator
- novaad — An Analog/Mixed-Signal IC design tool based on the Gm/Id method.
- novara — no summary
- novus — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- nowpy — Run any Python file instantly, with just one command
- nprintml — Fully automated traffic analysis with nPrint
- nrdrch-ezdl — yt-dlp wrapper for ultimate simplicity
- NREL-disco — DISCO
- NREL-gaps — National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Geospatial Analysis Pipelines (GAPs) framework
- NREL-jade — Provides HPC workflow automation services
- NREL-pydss — A high-level python interface for OpenDSS
- NREL-pypsse — A high-level python interface for PSS/E
- NREL-rex — National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) REsource eXtraction tool: rex
- nrel.routee.compass — An eco-routing tool build upon RouteE-Powertrain
- nrt-analyzer — Tools to pipeline bulk analyses of NRT recordings from cochlear implants (Cochlear).
- nrx — nrx - netreplica exporter
- ns-poet — Autogenerate Poetry package manifests in a monorepo
- ntbk — A simple, opinionated terminal notebook inspired by bullet journaling.
- ntfyme — Simple notification tool to notify yourself when a long running process ends with local ping, gmail, telegram, etc.
- nuance — Transit signals detection among correlated noises
- nubbs — bbs api
- nuc-data-tool — an automated processing tool for specific nuclear data
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- nudecrawler — Crawl searching for nudes!
- nufisdk — nufisdk is a sdk for managing CRD Npu Deployments.
- numiner — NUM Miner (Tool to create open dataset for Handwritten Text Recognition)
- numpipe — Easily run Python functions in parallel and cache the results
- numpydoc-linter — Numpydoclint is a linter for Numpy style docstrings.
- nuvla-cli — CLI tool for local management of Nuvla and NuvlaEdges via terminal
- nvcs — nglview wrapper for crystal structure
- nvidia-modelopt — Nvidia TensorRT Model Optimizer: a unified model optimization and deployment toolkit.
- nwon-deployment — Helper for deployment and CI scripts
- nycschools — Tools to work with open data about New York City public schools
- nygen — nygen
- oaipmharvest — Highly configurable oai-harvester based on sickle.
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- obj2cli — convert object/class to CLI command
- objdict-bf — A custom wrapper object around dict that allows attribute-style access to dictionary items and support for serialization of nested data.
- object-labeling — Automatic annotation of object assets
- objection-engine — Library that turns comment chains into Ace Attorney scenes, used in several bots
- oblivious — Python library that serves as an API for common cryptographic primitives used to implement OPRF, OT, and PSI protocols.
- obs2mk — A script to share your obsidian vault (in partial way) using mkdocs
- obstacle — Obstacle Tower Challenge Environment
- obws-commands — An event-based command line interface for OBS Websocket
- ochrona — Ochrona checks your open source dependencies for vulnerabilities and policy violations.
- octo-pipeline-python — Octo pipeline
- octologo — Simple program that generates a logo for your open source projects.
- octosessionviewer — no summary
- ocui — ocui is a terminal user interface to facilitate the most common tasks around
- odd-cli — Command line tool for working with OpenDataDiscovery.