Reverse Dependencies of toga
The following projects have a declared dependency on toga:
- conversationalspacemapapp — Generate conversational space maps for interview data.
- imgtotxt — OCR app running locally with native UI
- maestral-cocoa — Open-source Dropbox client for macOS and Linux.
- meerschaum — Sync Time-Series Pipes with Meerschaum
- pipebook — Next-generation notebook for resilient, production-ready data pipelines
- pulsar-viewer — Add your description here
- pyapp-window — Launching URL with native window in WebView mode.
- speedygui — A simple template for creating GUI PyTorch medical image segmentation applications
- toga-demo — A demonstration of the capabilities of the Toga widget toolkit.
- toga-layout-builder — Toga Layout
- toga-view — xml/json view support for toga
- togax-xml-layout-plugin — XML unofficial Toga layout parser
- wai-client — Wai client app