Reverse Dependencies of tld
The following projects have a declared dependency on tld:
- abuse-whois — Find where to report a domain for abuse
- accesser — 🌏一个解决SNI RST导致维基百科、Pixiv等站点无法访问的工具 | A tool for solving SNI RST
- acmen — An ACME(RFC8555) client implementation in Python.
- bagbag — An all in one python library
- blues-lib — no summary
- certauth2 — CertAuth remake that works based on cryptography with minimal deps and advanced functions for credentials output and issuer ca input
- certbot-dns-timeweb — Timeweb DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- cewler — Custom Word List generator Redefined
- courlan — Clean, filter and sample URLs to optimize data collection – includes spam, content type and language filters.
- ctfdfetch — Fetch challenges from a CTFd competition
- cyrebro-domain-validator — A domain validation package, written by CYREBRO's Innovation team.
- depth-armory — Armory is a tool meant to take in a lot of external and discovery data from a lot of tools, add it to a database and correlate all of related information.
- django-allauth-sniperlinks — A Django app to provide sniper links for allauth email verification.
- django-influxdb-metrics — A reusable Django app that sends metrics about your project to InfluxDB
- dnstwist — Domain name permutation engine for detecting homograph phishing attacks, typo squatting, and brand impersonation
- duckdown — no summary
- extractnet — Extract the main article content (and optionally comments) from a web page
- facecast-io — Unofficial API for
- hexdomain — Generate domain names that only contain hexadecimal numbers.
- hiddenbot — Dark Web Crawler
- hogwarts-browser-use — hogwarts browser use 霍格沃兹测试开发学社学员定制版
- http-tracer — A simple script that follows redirects and returns each websites headers, cookies and url along its path.
- keywords-en — keywords extract
- lgw — Configure an AWS Gateway in front of a Lambda function.
- mvt — Mobile Verification Toolkit
- nanoatp — A nano implementation of the AT Protocol for Python.
- NewsLookout — News scraping application
- newstldr — NewsTLDR
- no-more-query-string — Remove unneccessary query-string from the URL given. Especially fbclid.
- openreview-py — OpenReview API Python client library
- osint — Collection of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools
- panthon — A Cybersecurity Attack Simulation Library
- poppycdn — A modular, vendor-neutral API, that wraps provisioning instructions for all CDN vendors that support it.
- pywhois2 — no summary
- racker — Racker is an experimental harness tool for provisioning and launching operating system containers
- ready-check — A developer-friendly web scanning tool
- rsyslog-pseudonymizer — RsyslogPseudonymizer is a plug-in module for Rsyslog based on Python which replaces personal identifiers in log messages by pseudonyms before they are written to log files. The pseudonym-mapping is only kept in RAM.
- sarina — no summary
- scrawler — Tool for General Purpose Web Scraping and Crawling
- silene — Silene is an open source web crawler framework built upon Pyppeteer.
- silobuster-test — no summary
- social-analyzer — API, CLI & Web App for analyzing & finding a person's profile across 300+ social media websites (Detections are updated regularly)
- sotoki — Turn StackExchange dumps into ZIM files for offline usage
- spiderfoot-neo4j — Import, visualize, and analyze SpiderFoot scans in Neo4j, a graph database
- spynl — spynl
- — Tussik Emailer
- urlfinderlib — Library to find URLs and check their validity.
- vipen — no summary
- w13scan — Passive Web Security Scanner
- wapiti3 — A web application vulnerability scanner
- webhist — Saved webpage index and search
- wikihow2zim — Make ZIM file from WikiHow articles
- xsstrike — XSStrike is a Cross Site Scripting detection suite equipped with four hand written parsers, an intelligent payload generator, a powerful fuzzing engine and an incredibly fast crawler. Instead of injecting payloads and checking it works like all the other tools do, XSStrike analyses the response with multiple parsers and then crafts payloads that are guaranteed to work by context analysis integrated with a fuzzing engine.
- xx — Python tools for myself(
- yt-spam-purge — Easily scan for and delete scam comments on your YouTube channel.
- yuan-tool — some common components for personal use
- zombie-core — zombie tools for web