Reverse Dependencies of tk
The following projects have a declared dependency on tk:
- mesmerize — Calcium imaging analysis platform
- messi-nmr — MESSI: Multi Ensamble Strategy for Structural Elucidation
- mg-pso-gui — GUI for MG-PSO
- microbiome-toolbox — Microbiome Toolbox
- mimocorb — multi-in multi-out Configurable Ring Buffer for DAQ
- mmanalysis — MultiModalAnalysis is a package to easily postprocess GIWAXS data.
- mngs — For lazy python users (monogusa people in Japanse), especially in ML/DSP fields
- morgen-example-2 — example for March 31st
- morgen-example-zhang — example for March 31st
- mp4-to-jpg — A tool to extract frames from MP4 videos and remove duplicates
- napari-data-preview — Preview lightsheet microscopes acquisition, and allow the creation of an XML for importing the data into TeraStitcher.
- nebulatk — Improved tkinter-style gui system.
- nlxcaptcha — Tell "iPad Kids" and "Non-iPad Kids" apart using OpenAI API in this easy-to-integrate captcha.
- noload — solving constrained optimization problem for the design of engineering systems
- noloadj — solving constrained optimization problem for the design of engineering systems
- — Yet another note taking app.
- onlymaze — A simple maze game.
- onsset — OnSSET model
- ootkintercanvas — An Object Oriented Extention for tkinter Canvas
- OptiFlowPy — An advanced batch image compressor.
- outposttools — no summary
- paneltimegui — An efficient integrated panel and GARCH estimator
- pasta-man — Password Manager
- patrick-personnal-lib — personnal librairie test
- pipje — Pipje was intended as a joke, it shows an image of a cat named pip by default.
- PocketCRM — A simple CRM library
- PolyMID — PolyMID is a software package for analyzing stable-isotope tracing data.
- polytex — PolyTex is an open-source toolkit for geometry modeling of fiber tow-based textiles based on volumetric images.
- PQEnalyzer — A package that help analyze PQ energy and parameter output.
- promptEngine — Helps create prompts!
- pyctm — Python Cognitive System Toolkit for Microservices
- pyfractal — A GUI based fractal generator
- pyfractal-deut-erium — A GUI based fractal generator
- Pygilent — Tools for working with Agilent data files.
- pymage-processor — Image processor
- PyOptionPane — Python GUIs made easy!
- PyPassFusion — The password generator Python app is a simple and efficient tool for creating strong and secure passwords
- PyTangtv — LLNL DIII-D diagnostic image tools
- pytaxon — Pytaxon é uma aplicação open source de auxílio à pesquisa para identificação de erros e correção de nomenclatura taxonômica das espécies da biodiversidade
- PyUI3 — WinUI3 with Python!
- qwer-python — This is a project developed by Serem for development purposes
- r2t — A tool to combine multiple files from a directory and its subdirectories into a single output file
- ragu — Radar Analysis Graphical Utility (RAGU)
- rasterMiner — This software is being developed at the University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan
- RCAEval — no summary
- ReadROOT — Easy GUI made to read ROOT files created by the CoMPASS software distribued by CAEN.
- reaxpro-wrappers — The wrapper of AMS and Zacros drivers for SimPhoNy
- RepMan — RepMan: Repository Manager (alias: Project Manager)
- resik — Description about the project.
- roop-pip — One-click face swap
- scancopy — scancopy
- scientific-data-plotter — Scientific data Plotter Python package
- seas — python Signal Extraction and Segmentation
- SerialManager — Abeeway configuration tool
- sigplot — Graphical library for signal processing
- slotpy — Sliders and Plots
- sqlauthandle — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- stanbic-iautolib — This is an Intelligent Automation Library
- steggi — Stegsolve like GUI program for steganographic purposes.
- STIM-Module — League of Legends STIM Module
- str-banner — Display the classification of the system on the desktop
- tdcsm — Teradata tools for CSMs (deprecated)
- TeXtation — This is a package for converting text prompts to ready to use latex
- ThePocketTrainer — A simple Quiz App
- thumb-gen-x — Python application that can be used to generate video thumbnail for mp4 and mkv file types.
- tpr-updater — A small utility to update the TPR file with corrected TPR SRP values based on the SRP values.
- trait2d — Cross-platform Python software package and GUIs to support Single Particle Tracking experiments.
- trialtracker — Methods to extract and transform clinical trial data
- ube3-apa — Ub E3 ligase Activity Profiling Analysis
- UnitMatchPy — no summary
- uswarm — U-Swarm
- vampgui — Interface graphic to vampire "Atomistic simulation of magnetic materials"
- vidpkg — A small video player package
- vision-oslo-extension — This is the package to support additional features on VISION-OSLO, software owned by Network Rail Infrastructure Limited.
- VisionTagger — no summary
- voseto — no summary
- wdex — This is a project developed by Serem for development purposes
- weapon-selector — A simple Splatoon weapon selector assistant
- WF-Prop — A python package for one-elecron wavefunction propagation
- winavsos — An Automated Vulnerabilty Scanner
- writracker — Framework for pen-tracking experiments
- ws-cli-chat — simple cli-websocket chat
- xiaozu — A brief description of the package
- yami-music-player — An open-source music player with simple UI
- YggSimLib — A library for interfacing with the kspice API for the Yggdrasil project
- yt_downloader_gui — Simple GUI youtube downloader
- zeroset — Useful collection of features.
- zhiweimorgenexamplehahaha — example for March 31st
- zmapg — ZMap GUI application for zmap-cli tool