Reverse Dependencies of timezonefinder
The following projects have a declared dependency on timezonefinder:
- adam-core — Core libraries for the ADAM platform
- adopt_net0 — A python package for multi energy system modelling
- adsb-tools — ADS-B tools for reading Dump1090 messages
- aprs-assistant — An LLM-based assistant for the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS).
- asf-snow — Snow depths calculation
- atc-dataplatform — A common set of python libraries for DataBricks
- azely — Computation and plotting of azimuth and elevation for astronomical objects
- basiclive — A Framework for creating beamline LIMS
- caimira — CAiMIRA - CERN Airborne Model for Indoor Risk Assessment
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- cdm_reader_mapper — Common Data Model reader and mapper toolbox
- circuit-maintenance-parser — Python library to parse Circuit Maintenance notifications and return a structured data back
- classifier-pipeline — Classifier Pipeline
- columnflexpart — no summary
- commutauto — CLI to interact with your car sharing service API. Search for available vehicles, manage your bookings and more...
- coordinate-projector — Project points from one projection to another using pyproj
- daaayonearth — Easy access to geographic, meteorologic and photovoltaic performance data/services.
- datacube-ows — Open Data Cube Open Web Services
- DC-OCEAN — DC_OCEAN: An algorithm to detect the ocean in-situ duplicate profiles (Song et al., 2024, FMS)
- defected — Detect suspicious behaviors in git repos and open-source projects.
- djangophysics — Django APIs for physics conversion and calculations
- dt-misc — Misc. utility packages (geoloc, weather, sound, ...)
- email-assistant — Add entries to caldav servers based on email contents
- EphemSahabatFalak — Sebuah pakej yang boleh menghasilkan pelbagai data berkenaan falak
- evolve-core — Modern tool for understanding impact of distributed energy resources on net load.
- fieldsurveys — A Python package for creating and managing field surveys.
- frequenz-client-microgrid — Microgrid API client for Python
- gee2gpd — A smiple tool for extracting ee collections to geo data frames
- geocurrency — Web based services to convert units and currencies.
- geopic-tag-reader — GeoPicTagReader
- geot-cluster — Reasearch project on clustering clients from transaction history
- GISL — GISL is a versatile Python library designed for Geographic Information System (GIS) tasks. It offers methods to retrieve country names and codes, determine continents, geocode IP addresses, calculate distances between coordinates, find time zones, and get addresses from latitude and longitude. GISL also allows users to obtain the public IP address of the current machine, making it an essential toolkit for developers and researchers working with geospatial data.
- great-expectations-geospatial-expectations — A collection of Expectations to validate Geospatial data with Great Expectations.
- GreenHEART — Green Hydrogen Energy and Renewable Technologies
- gsshapyorm — An SQLAlchemy ORM for GSSHA model files.
- HeliosGPUController — Helios GPU Controller dynamically reduces Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) clock speeds by leveraging insights from the current energy mix and meteorological data. Data is obtained by the SMARD API and Forecast.Solar. The goal is to reduce power consumption of non-renewable sources.
- hivemapper-python — SDK for Hivemapper APIs
- hrisapi — Human Resource Information Systems API
- islamic-times — Various calculations for Islamic purposes
- kiwi-booster — Python utility functions and classes for KiwiBot AI&Robotics team
- labda — Library for Advanced Behavioural Data Analysis
- libinsitu — This library provides tools to transform solar irradiation data from various networks to uniform NetCDF files. It also provides tools to request and manipulate those NetCDF files
- libinsitu-dev — This library provides tools to transform solar irradiation data from various networks to uniform NetCDF files. It also provides tools to request and manipulate those NetCDF files
- muiscaenergy-common — common functions for muiscaenergy projects
- muiscaenergy-comun — common functions for muiscaenergy projects
- mwrpy — Python package for Microwave Radiometer processing in ACTRIS
- neon-skill-date-time — no summary
- neon-utils — Utilities for NeonAI
- optibess-algorithm — Optibess Algorithm is a python 3.10+ library for simulating and optimizing a photovoltaic system with power storage.
- Oracowl — A simple package based on PyEphem to calculate deep sky objects and planetary data, such as rise, set, transit, and altitude along with other objects information like magnitude, size, and distance and so on.
- ovos-backend-client — api client for supported ovos-core backends
- ovos-local-backend — mock mycroft backend
- ovos-skill-date-time — ovos skill plugin
- ovos-utils — collection of simple utilities for use across the openvoiceos ecosystem
- passpredict — Predict upcoming satellite overpasses
- polar-rcx5-datalink — Polar RCX5 training session exporter
- pvOps — pvops is a python library for the analysis of field collected operational data for photovoltaic systems.
- pybuildingenergy — Energy Simulation of building usin ISO52016 and more
- pyeplan — Python library for planning and operation of resilient microgrids.
- pyepwmorph — A python package to enable simple and easy gathering of climate model data and morphing of EPW files
- pypostalcode — Radius searches on Canadian postal codes, location data
- pyscope — A python package for controlling small optical telescopes
- pyspotter — Simple CLI for SofarOcean API
- pystac-generator — A python package and CLI tool for generating STAC catalog from spatial data files
- pytRIBS — A pre-to-post processing python package for the distributed hydrological model tRIBS
- pyVPRM — Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model
- pyweatherfr — pyweatherfr displays weather forecast for a given town in world (with high accuracy for France)
- querysource — QuerySource is a Library for Querying Databases. QuerySource Query parser and generator.
- refitt — The Recommender Engine for Intelligent Transient Tracking.
- rocketPy — Advanced 6-DOF trajectory simulation for High-Power Rocketry.
- rpnChilada — command-line RPN calculator
- scdata — Analysis of sensors and time series data
- scopes-astro — System for Coordinating Observational Planning and Efficient Scheduling
- sensortoolkit — Library for evaluating air sensor data
- ShadowFinder — Find possible locations of shadows.
- sherlockpipe — Search for Hints of Exoplanets fRom Lightcurves Of spaCe based seeKers
- shiny — A web development framework for Python.
- smartcitizen-connector — Python connector to download information collected in SmartCitizen API
- spetlr — A python ETL libRary (SPETLR) for Databricks powered by Apache SPark.
- starsign — StarSign: more fun than normal horoscopes!
- stdpe — Steinemann DPE Libary
- streetscapes — Code for downloading, segmenting and analysing images from Mapillary and KartaView, with the aim of extracting the emissivity and albedo of buildings.
- sunpeek — Large Solar Thermal Monitoring Tool. Implements the Performance Check Method of ISO 24194
- terrascope-sdk — A software development kit for developing projects on TerraScope
- thelemic-date — A class for Thelemic date and time calculations.
- tidepredict — Tide Prediction tools
- timezone-embed — no summary
- timezoneutils — Package For timezoneutils
- tz-trout — Helps you figure out the time zone based on an address or a phone number.
- ubc-solar-simulation — UBC Solar's Simulation Environment
- ul-data-gateway-sdk — Data gateway sdk
- voxcity — voxcity is an easy and one-stop tool to output 3d city models for microclimate simulation by integrating multiple geospatial open-data
- voxelcity — voxelcity is an easy and one-stop tool to output 3d city models for microclimate simulation by integrating multiple geospatial open-data
- wea-clt — A command-line tool to check the weather.
- wematics — A client library for Wematics SkyAI pyranocameras
- zipcode-coordinates-tz — A Python package for querying US Zipcodes, and converting to coordinates and timezones
- ziptimezone — A package to convert ZIP codes to time zones and get geographic coordinates.