Reverse Dependencies of timeout-decorator
The following projects have a declared dependency on timeout-decorator:
- a2perf — Benchmarking suite for evaluating autonomous agents in real-world domains.
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- adapters — A Unified Library for Parameter-Efficient and Modular Transfer Learning
- agno — Agno: a lightweight framework for building multi-modal Agents
- aicrowd-gym — A gym wrapper for RL evaluations on AIcrowd
- aigov-libs — aigov_libs
- aio-bunny — Asyncio compatible wraper around the aio-pika library for consumining messages.
- aio-message-handler — asyncio compatible wraper around the aio-pika for consumining messages.
- aizynthfinder — Retrosynthetic route finding using neural network guided Monte-Carlo tree search
- alphafold3-pytorch — Alphafold 3 - Pytorch
- alphafold3-pytorch-lightning-hydra — AlphaFold 3 - Pytorch
- ampel-hu-astro — Astronomy units for the Ampel system from HU-Berlin
- athina — Python SDK to configure and run evaluations for your LLM-based application
- athina-evals — Python SDK to configure and run evaluations for your LLM-based application
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- autofit — Classy Probabilistic Programming
- aws-lambda-deployment-test-utils — A package of tools which help developers make pre and post integration tests for AWS Lambda functions.
- beanstalk-dispatch — Django application to schedule and run functions on an AWS SQS queue.
- bethereum-etl — Tools for exporting Ethereum blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- blar-graph — Llm agent to search within a graph
- bsc-etl — Tools for exporting Binance Smart Chain blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- c3p — CHEBI Classification Programs
- caminopy — Collection of Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
- celi-framework — Controller-Embedded Language Interactions - facilitates the entire lifecycle of document processing, from pre-processing and embedding to post-monitoring and quality assessment.
- celo-etl — Tools for exporting Celo blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- chatmof — chatmof
- checkdmarc — A Python module and command line parser for SPF and DMARC records
- checkdmarc-signalless — A Python module and command line parser for SPF and DMARC records
- cimdem-test-package — A short description of your package
- codeflash — Client for - automatic code performance optimization, powered by AI
- cody-adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- commandtoolutils — A featherlight utility package for creating interactive command line tools
- cryptolation — My short description for my project.
- datmo — Open source model tracking tool for developers
- dp-PDF-Crawler — A custom Flask package with PDF processing tools
- dtps-http — no summary
- duskcrawler — no summary
- egta — Scripts to perform EGTA
- ethereum-etl-arbitrum — Tools for exporting Ethereum blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- ethereum-etl-fixbug — Tools for exporting Ethereum blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- ethereum-etl-updated — Tools for exporting Ethereum blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- ethosian — Develop versatile agents integrating recall, expertise, and advanced functionalities.
- flatland-rl — Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains
- flopt — A python Non-Linear Programming API with Heuristic approach
- frelatage — Frelatage is a coverage-based Python fuzzing library which can be used to fuzz python code.
- gilot — a git log visual analyzer
- glide-etl — Tools for exporting Glide blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- graphsense-bitcoin-etl — Tools for exporting Bitcoin blockchain data to JSON
- GsuiteToMd — Tools to convert gsuite Documents to markdown.
- ibm-aigov-facts-client — FactSheetService ML facts collection utility
- indy-node — Indy node
- ioos-tools — Misc functions for IOOS notebooks
- ipyrest — An emerging widget for exploring RESTful APIs in Jupyter notebooks.
- ISPProgrammer — NXP ISP Cortex-M programming tool
- jammy — A Versatile ToolBox
- jshbtf0302 — State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch
- julynter — A quality checker for Jupyter
- kabigon — no summary
- l2mac — The LLM Automatic Computer Framework
- lagent — A lightweight framework for building LLM-based agents
- latexvm — no summary
- ldt — Linguistic diagnostics for word embeddings
- local-redash — no summary
- locloc — Online LOC counter
- mammoth-nlp — Massively Multilingual Modular Open Translation @ Helsinki
- manipulation — MIT 6.421 - Robotic Manipulation
- mavis — A Structural Variant Post-Processing Package
- mdparse — Parsing markdown files for deep learning.
- mkdesigner — Genome-wide design of markers for PCR-based genotyping from NGS data.
- moffragmentor — Splits MOFs into metal nodes and linkers.
- ms-opencompass — A lightweight toolkit for evaluating LLMs based on OpenCompass.
- ms-vlmeval — OpenCompass VLM Evaluation Kit for Eval-Scope
- multicom-ligand — Comprehensive ensembling of protein-ligand structure and affinity prediction methods
- mw-adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- myrpl-cli — A script to fetch and save course activities from
- nv-ppcie-verifier — Protected PCIE Verifier
- opencompass — A comprehensive toolkit for large model evaluation
- optimum-transformers — Accelerated nlp pipelines using Transformers, Optimum and ONNX Runtime
- origin-etl — Fork of the ethereum-etl project, includes support for extracting Origin Protocol data
- ortegeetl — Tools for exporting Blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- phidata — Build multi-modal Agents with memory, knowledge and tools.
- PittAPI — An API to get data from Pitt and Pitt-related applications.
- POTHEAD — A reverse-http proxy implementation for non-concurrent requests
- ppa-api — no summary
- prettylog — Let's write beautiful logs
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- py-automl-lib — Python package for automated hyperparameter-optimization of common machine-learning algorithms
- pyaskit — AskIt: Unified programming interface for programming with large language models (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Gemini, Claude, COHERE, Llama 2)
- PyDrive2 — Google Drive API made easy. Maintained fork of PyDrive.
- pyserialsensors — German Aerospace Center
- pyshaker — Distributed data-plane performance testing tool
- python-suanpan — Suanpan SDK
- python-suanpan-no-stream — Suanpan SDK without stream
- qe-tools — A set of useful tools to manage Quantum ESPRESSO files.
- qubot — Qubot automated testing framework.
- querius — Client library for connecting with the Querius API
- raichu — RAIChU
- readability-lxml — fast html to text parser (article readability tool) with python 3 support
- records-mover — Records mover is a command-line tool and Python library you can use to move relational data from one place to another.