Reverse Dependencies of thrift
The following projects have a declared dependency on thrift:
- 0lever-utils — utils
- 1lever-utils — utils
- acryl-PyHive — Python interface to Hive
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- agzline — Mini library for LINE Protocol
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- airavata-python-sdk-test — Apache Airavata Python SDK
- airflow-indexima — Indexima Airflow integration
- akad — no summary
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- alpha_quant — Alpha Quant SDK
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-backport-providers-apache-hive — Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-apache-hive for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-providers-apache-hive — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-apache-hive for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-iotdb — Apache IoTDB client API
- apache-iotdb-nightly — Apache IoTDB client API
- atc_thrift — ATC Thrift Library
- b-i — python library for data project
- bmai-dm-hbase — Data mining Group hbase utils
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- CADPR — Standardize and Automate processes utilized by the DAMs at Nike in CA
- chron — Chron python API library
- chronify — Time series store and mapping libray
- chronon-ai — Chronon python API library
- cobra-policytool — Tool for manage Hadoop access using Apache Atlas and Ranger.
- CodeChat-Server — The CodeChat Server for software documentation
- codechecker-api — Generated Python compatible API stubs for CodeChecker.
- concrete — Python modules and scripts for working with Concrete
- connector-factory — Connector Factory;
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cybershuttle-tune — Parameter Tunning Library for CyberShuttle
- d22d — Migrating form DataBase to DataBase by 2 lines code
- databricks-dbapi — A DBAPI 2.0 interface and SQLAlchemy dialect for Databricks interactive clusters.
- databricks-sql-connector — Databricks SQL Connector for Python
- databricks-sql-connector-core — Databricks SQL Connector core for Python
- dbgpt — DB-GPT is an experimental open-source project that uses localized GPT large models to interact with your data and environment. With this solution, you can be assured that there is no risk of data leakage, and your data is 100% private and secure.
- dbt-ocean-spark — The Apache Spark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-pyspark — The Apache PySpark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-spark — The Apache Spark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-spark-livy — The dbt-spark-livy adapter plugin for Spark in Cloudera DataHub with Livy interface
- dbt-watsonx-spark — IBM spark plugin for dbt
- django-thrift — Django App to Run a Apache Thrift RPC Server
- dogfood-logger — no summary
- dragons96-tools — dragons96 个人开发python工具包
- e6data-python-connector — Client for the e6data distributed SQL Engine.
- e6xdb — no summary
- EasyIPCLarge — A library for high-speed transfer of large data between processes
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- enil — no summary
- etl-ml — etl_ml is a tools could etl origin excel or csv dirty data and send data to ftp or server and insert data to hive database and load data from jump hive make feature project machine learning model train and jump the jump machine to connect hive get hive data to pandas dataframe
- evernote2 — another Evernote SDK for Python
- ez-etl — ez-etl is an open-source Extract, Transform, load (ETL) library written in Python. Just configure a dict to read data from various data sources. Use code or built-in conversion algorithms to transform the data into the target data format, and write it to the target data source.
- facebook-scribe — A Python client for Facebook Scribe
- fixout — Algorithmic inspection for trustworthy ML models
- flawless — Python Error Monitoring and Reporting
- flipper-client — no summary
- forsun — High-performance high-precision timing scheduling service
- fsqlfly — Flink SQL Job Management Website
- funicorn — Funicorn
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- gio-importer — GrowingIO Importer是GrowingIO CDP平台元数据创建和数据导入工具
- gio-importer-v41 — GrowingIO Importer是GrowingIO CDP平台元数据创建和数据导入工具
- gio-importer-v42 — GrowingIO Importer是GrowingIO CDP平台元数据创建和数据导入工具
- gio-importer-v43 — GrowingIO Importer是GrowingIO CDP平台元数据创建和数据导入工具
- gio-importer-v44 — GrowingIO Importer是GrowingIO CDP平台元数据创建和数据导入工具
- gio-importer-v45 — GrowingIO Importer是GrowingIO CDP平台元数据创建和数据导入工具
- gptdb — GPT-DB is an experimental open-source project that uses localized GPT large models to interact with your data and environment. With this solution, you can be assured that there is no risk of data leakage, and your data is 100% private and secure.
- great-expectations — Always know what to expect from your data.
- great-expectations-cta — Always know what to expect from your data.
- heps-ds-utils — A Module to enable Hepsiburada Data Science Team to utilize different tools.
- hive-metastore-client — A client for connecting and running DDLs on Hive Metastore with Thrift protocol
- hmsclient — A package interact with the Hive metastore via the Thrift protocol
- hs2client — A package interact with Hive Server 2 via the Thrift protocol
- HttpRunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- idg-metadata-client — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- impyla — Python client for the Impala distributed query engine
- impyla-jz — Python client for the Impala distributed query engine
- in-dbt-spark — Release for LinkedIn's changes to dbt-spark.
- infinity-sdk — infinity
- ingestr — ingestr is a command-line application that ingests data from various sources and stores them in any database.
- iotdb-session-0.10.1 — A small iotdb python client
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jsonthrift — a package for serializing json to/from thrift
- koverse — Koverse Python Client
- lightstep — LightStep Python OpenTracing Implementation
- line4py — LINE's library for Python
- LINEBOOP — LINE API! Upgrade Proxy
- marvin-python-toolbox — Marvin Python Toolbox
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- metaphor-connectors — A collection of Python-based 'connectors' that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor app.
- middleware-apm — Middleware's APM tool enables Python developers to effortlessly monitor their applications, gathering distributed tracing, metrics, logs, and profiling data for valuable insights and performance optimization.
- middleware-apm-dev — Middleware's APM tool enables Python developers to effortlessly monitor their applications, gathering distributed tracing, metrics, logs, and profiling data for valuable insights and performance optimization.
- milvus-test — Python Sdk for Milvus; Test version
- mite — A Python Performance Testing Framework
- modeldb-basic — A system to manage machine learning models
- modeldb-community — A system to manage machine learning models for xgboost pyspark tensorflow sklearn keras
- muttlib — Collection of helper modules by Mutt Data.