Reverse Dependencies of theano
The following projects have a declared dependency on theano:
- arenacovid — no summary
- avocado-epigenome — Avocado is a package for learning a latent representation of the human epigenome.
- awareness — The new architecture of co-computation for data processing and machine learning.
- bigmultiplier — A package for help matrix multiplication
- BRACoD — BRACoD is a method to identify associations between bacteria and physiological variables in Microbiome data
- candid — Complete And Noiseless Distributions from Incomplete Data
- CEREBRO8 — Recognizing facial expressions from images, videos and real-time stream
- cf-nlp — ClowdFlows natural language processing module
- CompyledFunc — Compiled functions via Sympy/Theano
- CorpFin — Corporate Finance functionalities based on SymPy and Theano
- csrank — Context-sensitive ranking
- cyclicmodel — statistical causality discovery based on cyclic model
- DeepARG — no summary
- deepmodels — framework for build, train and test deep learning models
- DeepSR — A Toolkit for Super Resolution with Deep Learning Algorithms
- DeepSRRF — A framework for Obtaining and Automating Super Resolution for RF data with Deep Learning Algorithms
- dipp — **D**eep **I**nverse **P**roblems **P**ackage - a library of add-ons to various Deep Learning frameworks for solving Inverse Problems
- DLTKDL — DLTKDL is a wrapper for TensorFlow and Keras that makes deep learning and AI more accessible and easier to apply
- downhill — Stochastic optimization routines for Theano
- elektronn — A highly configurable toolkit for training 3d/2d CNNs and general Neural Networks
- elektronn2 — ELEKTRONN2 a is highly configurable toolkit for training 3d/2d CNNs and general Neural Networks
- gemben — Benchmark for Graph Embedding Algorithms
- gene-outlier-detection — A Bayesian model for identifying gene expression outliers for individual single samples (N-of-1) when compared to a cohort of background datasets.
- gfs-sampler — Sample permutations of one data set with respect to another data set within defined blocks for the purposes of computing statistics over a merged data set.
- glambox — GLAMbox: A toolbox to fit the Gaze-weighted Linear Accumulator Model
- gtic — General Takeuchi Information Criterion
- hep_ml — Machine Learning for High Energy Physics
- Ingine — A cross-platform library for easy-access AI tools
- isomut2py — A mutation detection software from NGS data with multiple filtering and plotting features
- keras-mxnet-skm — Deep Learning for Python. Keras with highly scalable, high performant Apache MXNet backend support.
- Kregistrar — Monitor of training progress of Deep Learning models built on TensorFlow & Theano
- kur — Descriptive deep learning
- limlearn — Limit of Learning
- lotus-nlte — Determine atmospheric stellar parameters in non-LTE
- maelstrom — A package to model the orbits of pulsating stars in binaries
- mcot.gcoord — Gyral coordinate system
- mff — Gaussian process regression to extract non-parametric 2- and 3- body force fields.
- mlsquare — Machine Learning for Machine Learning
- neuralnet — A high-level library on top of Theano.
- nxt-gem — nxt_gem: A Python module for Graph Embedding Methods
- optical-lattice — Resolve atom occupations in an optical lattice
- paintbox — Paintbox
- patent-parsing-tools — patent-parsing-tools is a library providing tools for generating training and test set from Google's USPTO data helpful with for testing machine learning algorithms
- pdata — no summary
- PoPE — Population Profile Estimator.
- posydon — POSYDON Stellar Evolution Package
- processdigit — processdigit
- pyCHX — pyCHX - CHX XPCS Data Analysis Package
- pydnn — deep neural network library in Python
- pyfms — A Theano-based Python implementation of Factorization Machines
- pymc-learn — Practical Probabilistic Machine Learning in Python
- pymc3-ext-wlad — Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with Theano
- quantumics — Library for processor agnostic quantum-classical data science and artificial intelligence
- recsys-bpr — Bayesian Personalised Ranking implemented in Theano
- sengbao-mle — 翻新的最大似然估计库 maximum likelihood estimation
- specgp — Gaussian processes for multi-wavelength and spectral observations
- sputummrcnn — Custom Mask RCNN
- streams-optimization — A library for LHCb trigger/stripping streams optimization
- superphot — Photometric classification of supernovae
- theanets — Feedforward and recurrent neural nets using Theano
- theano-hf — General purpose Hessian-free optimization in Theano
- triflow — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- ucs — Implements the CAM02-UCS forward transform symbolically, using Theano.
- vitamin-b — A user-friendly machine learning Bayesian inference library
- wbia-cnn — WBIA CNN - Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) plug-in for WBIA
- wildbook-ia — Wildbook IA (WBIA) - Machine learning service for the WildBook project
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator