Reverse Dependencies of textX
The following projects have a declared dependency on textX:
- acidcli — ACID Command Line Interface.
- acidcli-altran — ACID Command Line Interface.
- autofile — Use templates to automatically move files into directories
- besser — BESSER
- Bitmasher — Bit rotational encryption with steganography
- bocl — B-OCL
- coref — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- corens — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- cronspell — Date-expression domain specific language parsing. A neat way to express things like "First Saturday of any year", or "3rd thursdays each month" and such
- cutevariant — GUI to visualize and process variant data
- dothttp-req — Dothttp is Simple http client for testing and development
- dothttp-req-wasm — Dothttp is Simple http client for testing and development
- eexp-engine — A command-line version of the experimentation engine of the ExtremeXP project
- emulsion — Epidemiological Multi-Level Simulation framework
- exif2findertags — Read exif metadata from images with exiftool and write to MacOS Finder keywords
- fasm — FPGA Assembly (FASM) Parser and Generation library
- fastuml — no summary
- fqllang — Fql Transpiler
- fzj-ak-filenames — Filename parser & writer for fusion device configuration-related files
- golem-core — Golem Network ( API for Python
- hatchet — A Python library for analyzing hierarchical performance data
- idp-engine — IDP-Z3 is a reasoning engine for knowledge represented using the FO(.) (aka FO-dot) language.
- idp-solver — IDP-Z3 is a collection of software components implementing the Knowledge Base paradigm using the IDP language and a Z3 SMT solver.
- if-dsl-gui-ai — For generating and playing IF games
- JSD-project — Rpg text adventure game maker
- kgprim — Kinematics/geometric primitives
- libstored — Embedded Debugger client for libstored's debug protocol
- llnl-hatchet — A Python library for analyzing hierarchical performance data
- machineop — The domain specific language for operating statemachines. The default machine included in the package is microwave oven.
- mdinfo — Print file metadata in various formats using a metadata template system.
- mist-lang — programming language for security made easy
- mona — Calculation framework
- nldsl — A DSL for data science with a syntax similar to a natural language.
- osxphotos — Export photos from Apple's macOS Photos app and query the Photos library database to access metadata about images.
- PDF-Generator-with-TextX — Developing a DSL for generating PDF files. It could be used in other apps as a tool for generating dynamic reports, contracts, invoices etc.
- perturbator — Tool to apply change patterns on Business Process Models
- plcdoc — A tool to create PLC documentation for Sphinx
- pyccel — no summary
- PyDrawCLI — A CLI tool for drawing shapes
- pyFlies — A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for experiments specification in psychology and neuroscience
- pyflies-ls — a language server for pyFlies language
- pynmodlt — NMODL parsing and compiling tools, updated fork from borismarin pynmodl (
- rashell — rashell is a Relational Algebra Shell. It provides a DSL to define and populate relational models and a REPL interface to query relational models using relational algebra operations. This tool is intended for educational use only, to illustrate in a more interactive way the underlying concepts of relational databases
- req-project — no summary
- robonav — A simple robot runner
- robosapiensIO — robosapiensIO - your gateway to trustworthy self-adaptive robotics.
- robot-model-tools — Misc utilities to work with robot model formats
- ScrapingDSL — Generating Scrapy project using DSL
- secrules-parsing — ModSecurity DSL Parser package using textX
- silvera — Tool for generating microservice architectures.
- sodac — Stencil with optimized dataflow architecture
- spectrum-basic — A parser and language tool for ZX Spectrum BASIC
- strictdoc — Software for writing technical requirements and specifications.
- strpdatetime — Parse strings into Python datetime objects; extends Python's datetime.strptime() with additional features.
- sysml2py — no summary
- tealish — The Tealish language for the Algorand Virtual Machine.
- textX-dev — Development tools for textX
- textx-dsldoc — Autogeneration of DSL documentation for TextX
- textx-gen-coloring — a syntax highlight generator for textX languages
- textx-gen-vscode — a VS Code extension generator
- textX-jinja — textX generator framework based on Jinja template engine
- textx-lang-irirefs — A textX implementation of IRIReferences.
- textx-lang-json — A textX implementation of JSON.
- textx-lang-questionnaire — A DSL for describing questionnaires
- textx-ls-core — a core language server logic for domain specific languages based on textX
- textx-ls-server — a language server for domain specific languages based on textX
- textXls — Language server for DSLs created with textX
- tsdoc0 — TSDoc is an embedded comment language for TechSmart code files.
- Typhoon-HIL-API — Typhoon HIL Application Programming Interface library
- vre-language — VRE Language
- webfriend — An API binding and automation control language for the Chrome Remote Debugging API