Reverse Dependencies of textract
The following projects have a declared dependency on textract:
- achoz — Search through all your documents like web
- AutoThemeGenerator — Performing thematic analysis with OpenAI's GPT-4 models
- booksread — get all the stats related words from book
- brws — no summary
- campus-cli — no summary
- capabilities — Build trusted, faster, and more powerful applications with the Blazon Capabilities API.
- coiextract — no summary
- curategpt — CurateGPT
- django-councilmatic — Core functions for family
- doc-analyzer — no summary
- eo — Machine Readable Corpus of US Executive Orders
- extracteur-de-fou-malade-pour-charles-le-charlo — PDF data parser
- gdprCrawlerTest19 — GDPR document crawler
- gdprCrawlerTest20 — GDPR document crawler
- hypertag — File organization made for humans
- knowmine — Knowledge mining package
- komodo-sdk — Komodo SDK
- kssm-searcher — Herramienta para extraer informacion de documentos localizados en un directorio en base a keywords.
- man-spider — Full-featured SMB spider capable of searching file content
- mapling — no summary
- mcodegpt — mCodeGPT
- mcodegpthippa — mcodegpthippa
- openstates — core infrastructure for the openstates project
- pdf2chem — A curator for chemistry-related pdf files
- pdfharvester — A package for extracting tables and images from PDFs
- pycvextract — 'A simple resume parser used for extracting information from resumes'
- pyHooke — Open source plagiarism checker
- rezolve-ai-ingestion — A private package for ingesting and processing SharePoint data with AI capabilities
- semsim — A free tool for sentence similarity evaluation
- tarmtextract — A package that allows to extract text from pdf/word file which is save in aws s3
- tear — TExt Analytics for Reconnaissance.
- tesla-ce-provider-pt-tpt-lib — TeSLA Plagiarism Tool (TPT)
- topicrankpy — A Python package to get useful information from documents using TopicRank Algorithm.
- wagtail-textract — Allow searching for text in Documents in the Wagtail content management system