Reverse Dependencies of textacy
The following projects have a declared dependency on textacy:
- atap-widgets — Interactive widgets used by the Australian Text Analytics Platform
- Audiutor-PatBe — A simple Youtube video transcriber and summarizer
- bunkatopics — Bunkatopics is a Topic Modeling package and Exploration Module
- cv-py — Collection of tools and techniques to kick-start analysis of the COVID-19 Research Challenge Dataset
- data-science-toolbox — Various code to aid in data science projects for tasks involving data cleaning, ETL, EDA, NLP, viz, feature engineering, feature selection, model validation, etc.
- elucidoc — Screens legal and other texts for sentences and clauses containing user defined search phrases
- hiphopscrap — fetch, munge, and parse résumés and job postings
- humlab-penelope — Utilities that simplify enelpeing in Jupyter Lab
- ktext — Pre-processing text in parallel for Keras in python.
- lexos — Lexos is a tool for the analysis of lexical data. The Lexos package is the Python API for the Lexos tool.
- lilac — Organize unstructured data
- lilacai — Organize unstructured data
- mdparse — Parsing markdown files for deep learning.
- nluanalizer — Natural Language Tool to Extract Features from Intents Dataset.
- noba-mauve — Unit test your writing
- opsci-toolbox — a complete toolbox
- owl-builder — Tools for Automating the Construction of an Ontology (OWL)
- pdfner — Information extraction and named-entity recognition for indexing PDFs
- pyprocessors-mazars_table — Sherpa Mazars normalizer
- pyprocessors-normalizer — Sherpa git initnormalizer
- qrmine — Qualitative Research support tools in Python!
- reader-toolbox — A command-line interface for creating and interacting with Distant Reader data sets (a.k.a. study carrels)
- sitefab — State of the art static website generator for humans
- textdatasetcleaner — Pipeline for cleaning (preprocessing/normalizing) text datasets
- wordmesh — A wordcloud generator which allows for meaningful word clustering
- zText — An easy to use NLP tool