Reverse Dependencies of TexSoup
The following projects have a declared dependency on TexSoup:
- acl-anthology — A library for accessing the ACL Anthology
- bib2glossary — A package to convert between a latex bib file and a tex file containing glossaries entries
- hepdata-maker — hepdata_lib wrapper for hepdata record creation and validation
- ipypublish — A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
- jupyter_book — no summary
- jupyterbook-latex — Latex specific features for jupyter book
- latex-test-shuffler — LaTeX test shuffler
- latexcheck — LaTeX linter
- latexSAK — Swiss army knife for LaTeX files.
- latextomd — Simple project to convert latex in markdown
- linglit — Programmatic access to linguistic literature
- sphinx-exercise — A Sphinx extension for producing exercises and solutions.
- sphinx-jupyterbook-latex — Latex specific features for jupyter book
- sphinx-proof — A Sphinx extension for producing proofs, theorems, axioms, etc.
- teachbooks-sphinx-grasple — A Sphinx extension for inserting Grasple exercises.
- tex-recite — Migrate a LaTeX document from one bibliography to another
- tex2ipy — Convert beamer presentations to IPython notebooks
- tex2jb — A CLI tool that converts LaTeX documents to Jupyter Books.
- tex2py — utility converting latex into parse tree in Python