Reverse Dependencies of testbook
The following projects have a declared dependency on testbook:
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- axisvm — A Python package for AxisVM.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- brainiak — Brain Imaging Analysis Kit
- bridge-ds — A Bridge to Datasets!
- chrov — chrov:
- cloud-io — Handle I/O from cloud buckets
- composer — Composer is a PyTorch library that enables you to train neural networks faster, at lower cost, and to higher accuracy.
- cst-python — Python module of the CST, the Cognitive Systems Toolkit, a toolkit for the construction of cognitive systems and cognitive architectures.
- est — Spectroscopy workflows
- femtoflow — Femtosense Model Optimization Toolkit
- fmeval — Amazon Foundation Model Evaluations
- forte — Forte is extensible framework for building composable and modularized NLP workflows.
- fuse-med-ml — A python framework accelerating ML based discovery in the medical field by encouraging code reuse. Batteries included :)
- htsimaging — High-Throughput Single-cell Imaging analysis.
- interpretable — interpretable:
- jptest — write graded unit tests for Jupyter Notebooks in a few lines of code
- mosaicml — Composer is a PyTorch library that enables you to train neural networks faster, at lower cost, and to higher accuracy.
- mvf — A package implementing a supervised learning model validation framework.
- omlt — OMLT is a Python package for representing machine learning models (such as neural networks) within the Pyomo optimization environment.
- pdstools — Open source tooling that helps Data Scientists to analyze Pega models and conduct impactful analyses.
- pueblo — Pueblo - a Python toolbox library.
- pylife — General Fatigue library
- pytorch-probing — PyTorch-Probing is a framework for probing PyTorch models internal functioning.
- q8s — Kernel extension for executing quantum programs in simulators on q8s clusters
- roux — Convenience functions.
- s4l-dti — Help pre-processing of DTI for use in Sim4Life
- sportran — Cepstral Data Analysis of current time series for Green-Kubo transport coefficients
- tess-atlas — All the TESS exoplanets!
- testing-tools — Improper readme for description parsing.
- tgclients — TextGrid Python client library for repository access.