Reverse Dependencies of termcolor
The following projects have a declared dependency on termcolor:
- transformers-cfg — Extension of Transformers library for Context-Free Grammar Constrained Decoding with EBNF grammars
- translation-canvas — Translation Canvas - A tool for evaluating and visualizing machine translation models
- travis-solo — Local Travis build runner
- travis-wait-improved — A tool to help long-running, yet reticent, processes avoid death at the hands of Traivs-CI.
- tree-diff — Given two directories, compare the sturcture and contents (hashing) of files
- treestamps — Create timestamp records for recursive operations on directory trees.
- trial-IGNchinmay — A small CV test package
- triangle-drawer-yx — A package to draw colored triangles in console.
- tricot — Trivial Command Testser
- triehard — A badly implemented trie
- trinity — The Trinity client for the Ethereum network
- trustee — This package implements the Trustee framework to extract decision tree explanation from black-box ML models.
- TruthTorchLM — TruthTorchLM is an open-source library designed to detect and mitigate hallucinations in text generation models. The library integrates state-of-the-art methods, offers comprehensive benchmarking tools across various tasks, and enables seamless integration with popular frameworks like Huggingface and LiteLLM.
- tsgym — Time Series Benchmarking
- tsutil-py — Syntax tree printer utility
- tt-torrent — 😈 Daemon to manage torrents through tt-torrent website.
- tudan — Toolkit for infra management
- tumbo — Matrix builder for docker
- tumourkit — A SDK for tumour study
- tunnelvision — Experimental tensor viewer for IPython built on top of Voxel
- tuparser — A flexible module for building custom parsers for the Telegraph website
- turludock — Builds ROS docker images that support GUI with either X11 or Wayland.
- TWCC-CLI — TWCC-CLI is a toolkit for operating TWCC resources.
- TWCManager — Package to manage Tesla Wall Connector installations
- Tweetoscope-2020-06 — Tweetoscope
- twgw-controller — Controls the Overall Gateway
- Twista — Twitter streaming and graph-based analysis framework
- TwitAnalysis — Package for analyzing Twitter data
- twity — A simple twitter bot to create and delete your tweets from the terminal
- txtwrpr — Insert project description here
- type-registry — Package for registering types and creating systems based on config files
- typhoon-orchestrator — Create asynchronous data pipelines and deploy to cloud or airflow
- ucla-cli — no summary
- ud-compatibility — Converts conllu files with features that use the Universal Dependency (UD) annotation schema to features that use the Universal Morphology (UM) schema.
- udapi — Python framework for processing Universal Dependencies data
- udevbackup — detects when specified storage devices are connected, mounts them, executes a script, umounts them and tells when it is done.
- ue4-docker — Windows and Linux containers for Unreal Engine
- UETSchedule — A script to auto schedule UET courses
- UEVaultManager — Free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher application, mainly to manage the assets for Unreal Engine
- uforgecli — no summary
- Ullr — A serial <-> MQTT interface for sports timing.
- UltimatePkg2 — Ultimate packages
- ulysses — ULYSSES: Universal LeptogeneSiS Equation Solver
- underbelly — The rust underpinnings to the Jamboree library.
- undertime — pick a meeting time
- unicorn-tracer — memory modifications tracing tool for the unicorn cpu emulator
- UnifiedML — Unified library for intelligence training.
- unimernet — UniMERNet: A Universal Network for Real-World Mathematical Expression Recognition
- unipercept — UniPecept: A unified framework for perception tasks focusing on research applications that require a high degree of flexibility and customization.
- unittestx — A custom unittest runner for Python
- uno-log — uno's logging library
- UpdateIdsForSM — Update ID's in SwissManager player file
- upgcc — Install GCC without sudo privilege
- uphill — make data preparation more friendly
- uptick — Command line tool to interface with the BitShares network
- urless — De-clutter a list of URLs
- urlup — Dereference HTTP addresses to determine ultimate destinations
- usa-csc-526-by-spc — USA CSC 526 Final Project
- usbmuxctl — Tool to control an USB-Mux from the command line
- usbrip — USB device artifacts tracker
- ussclicore — UShareSoft cli core module
- ustick — Tool for creating console stickers
- utilsbox — Contains useful functions and classes
- uun-qrdoorlock — Decode a signed QR code and open electronic door lock.
- v-log — Colored log that also stores a properly formated csv.
- vaers-downloader — VAERS DATA DOWNLOADER
- validatorcli — Valicator CLI
- validit — Easily define and validate configuration file structures 📂🍒
- valiot_worker — The best worker ever.
- ValiotWorker — Enables running Python functions as standalone jobs based on interaction with valiot-jobs API
- van-classification-tensorflow — TensorFlow 2.X reimplementation of Visual Attention Network, Meng-Hao Guo, Cheng-Ze Lu, Zheng-Ning Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Shi-Min Hu.
- vane2 — no summary
- VanityMnem — create your vanity mnemonics
- vantage — Package and utilities for distributed learning
- verblaze — Auto-Localization Generation Tool
- versiontracker — Web scrapping software to keep track of the latest stable version of different software.
- VideoGit — Convert git commit history, to a animated beautiful coding video.
- videohub — no summary
- vigilant-engine — A Monopoly-like engine for making games.
- ViNeSeg — Image Polygonal Annotation with Python combined with Auto-Segmentation
- virtual-pet — A virtual pet game.
- virtual-scanner — Virtual Scanner educational tool for MRI
- virtualhome — Python API to communicate with the VirtualHome environment
- virtualpreference — Virtual Preference APIs Connector
- vis4d — Vis4D Python package for Visual 4D scene understanding
- visbeat — Code for 'Visual Rhythm and Beat' SIGGRAPH 2018
- visbeat3 — Python3 Implementation for 'Visual Rhythm and Beat' SIGGRAPH 2018
- visiontext — Utilities for deep learning on multimodal data.
- visivo — Visivo CLI for BI and visualizations as code
- visualdata — library to manage image data
- visualizer — Automate the process of visualization
- vitamin-b — A user-friendly machine learning Bayesian inference library
- vltk — The Vision-Language Toolkit (VLTK)
- vlttng — Generator of LTTng virtual environment
- VoPho — An easy to use Multilingual phonemization meta-library
- vp-cli — VantagePoint CLI
- vpstool — VPS toolkits
- vs-tabletop — Virtual Scanner Tabletop Games
- vsb-text — Simple demo project
- vulzap — 0/1-Day Semiautomation Anaylsis Tool