Reverse Dependencies of tensorstore
The following projects have a declared dependency on tensorstore:
- ac-segmentation — Segmentation for Axonal Connectomics
- aind-segmentation-evaluation — Python package for evaluating neuron segmentations in terms of the number of splits and merges
- anndata-tensorstore — Anndata Tensorstore Extension: Save and Load anndata to/from Tensorstore for random access
- axlearn — AXLearn
- cellmap-flow — Realtime prediction using neuroglancer
- czpeedy — A command-line tool used to determine the tensorstore settings which yield the fastest write speed on a given machine.
- detkit — Matrix determinant toolkit
- dexp — Light-sheet Dataset EXploration and Processing
- enformer-dna-diff — This is a package for that combines DeepMind Enformer model with DNA Diffusion project
- finn-viewer — n-dimensional array viewer for cell tracking data in Python
- flashbax — Flashbax is an experience replay library oriented around JAX. Tailored to integrate seamlessly with JAX's Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.
- flax — Flax: A neural network library for JAX designed for flexibility
- git-theta — Version control system for machine learning model checkpoints.
- levanter — Scalable Training for Foundation Models with Named Tensors and JAX
- matchviz — no summary
- megatron-core — Megatron Core - a library for efficient and scalable training of transformer based models
- microsim — Light microscopy simulation in python
- napari — n-dimensional array viewer in Python
- napari-activelearning — An active learning plugin for fine tuning of deep learning models.
- ndv — Simple, fast-loading, n-dimensional array viewer, with minimal dependencies.
- nemo-toolkit — NeMo - a toolkit for Conversational AI
- neuroflex — An advanced neural network framework with interpretability, generalization, robustness, and fairness features
- ngff-zarr — A lean and kind Open Microscopy Environment (OME) Next Generation File Format (NGFF) Zarr implementation.
- ome2024-ngff-challenge — Tools for converting OME-Zarr data within the ome2024-ngff-challenge (see
- orbax — Orbax
- orbax-checkpoint — Orbax Checkpoint
- paxml — Framework to configure and run machine learning experiments on top of Jax.
- pymmcore-plus — pymmcore superset providing improved APIs, event handling, and a pure python acquisition engine
- segmentation-skeleton-metrics — Python package for evaluating neuron segmentations in terms of the number of splits and merges
- softcopy — Copies zarr archives from an acquisition frontend to a different disk, using filesystem watching and lockfiles to allow copying during acquisition.
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- syml-ultralytics — Ultralytics YOLO 🚀 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- tensorstore-stubs — Type stubs for tensorstore
- tractorun — Run distributed training in TractoAI
- tsconcat — A tool for joining multiple, homogeneous tensorstore datasets using the N5 driver into a single dataset.
- UltraDetect — Customized Ultralytics YOLO for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- ultralytics — Ultralytics YOLO 🚀 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- ultralytics-export-to-rknn — Ultralytics YOLOv8 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- ultralytics-v11 — Ultralytics YOLO for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- ultralyticsheadless — Ultralytics YOLO 🚀 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- vesuvius — no summary
- vsensebox-ultralytics — Ultralytics YOLO for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- webknossos — Python API for working with WEBKNOSSOS datasets, annotations, and for WEBKNOSSOS server interaction.
- xarray-tensorstore — no summary
- zarpaint — Paint segmentations directly to on-disk/remote zarr arrays