Reverse Dependencies of tensorly
The following projects have a declared dependency on tensorly:
- apollo-toolbox-py — no summary
- as-seg — Package for the segmentation of autosimilarity matrices. This version is related to a stable vesion on PyPi, for installation in MSAF.
- aspcore — no summary
- barmuscomp — Package for barwise compression applied on musical segmentation.
- barnacle — unsupervised clustering analysis via sparse tensor decomposition
- bnpm — A library of useful modules for data analysis.
- cca-zoo — Canonical Correlation Analysis Zoo: A collection of Regularized, Deep Learning based, Kernel, and Probabilistic methods in a scikit-learn style framework
- cell2cell — TBD
- clria — Package to decipher LRI-mediated brain network communication
- CNTools — A package for identifying cellular neighborhoods
- ComponentVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- corcondia — An implementation of the CORCONDIA (Core Consistency Diagnostic) in Python.
- cpsplines — Constrained P-splines
- DADMSPeakSolver — Program for the automated analysis and sample selection of high-throughout LC-DAD-MS data.
- earth2studio — Open-source deep-learning framework for exploring, building and deploying AI weather/climate workflows.
- eem-python — A python toolkit for excitation-emission matrix (EEM) analysis
- EEMs-toolkit — EEMs_toolkit是一个可以在Python上对三维荧光(EEM)进行平行因子分析(PARAFAC)的工具包,功能大致类似于MATLAB的drEEM toolbox。
- face-rhythm — A pipeline for analysis of facial behavior using optical flow
- fedot-ind — Time series analysis framework
- fistnd — FIST-nD, Fast Imputation of Spatially-resolved transcriptomes by graph-regularized Tensor completion in n-Dimensions imputes 3D as well as 2D spatial transcriptomics data.
- flexible-fl — no summary
- fme — Train and evaluate weather/climate model emulators
- hocmo — A Generalized Higher-Order Correlation Model (HOCMO) tool to generate scores modeling the strength of the relationship between triplicate entities using a tensor-based approach
- informatics — Framework of fast implementation data processing and operating pipelines
- ingenii-quantum — Quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms for machine learning.
- matcouply — Regularized coupled matrix factorisation with AO-ADMM
- mnncompress — model comprssion tools for MNN
- mocca — MOCCA (Multivariate Online Contextual Chromatographic Analysis) is an open-source Python project to analyze HPLC–DAD raw data.
- musco-pytorch — MUSCO: Multi-Stage COmpression of Neural Networks
- ndlearn — Learning from and reconstructing networks using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- neural-transport — Neural Transport - A Python library to train neural network emulators of atmospheric transport models.
- neuraloperator — NeuralOperator: Learning in Infinite Dimensions
- nn-fac — Nonnegative factorization toolbox.
- nvidia-modulus — A deep learning framework for AI-driven multi-physics systems
- oboe — An AutoML pipeline selection system to quickly select a promising pipeline for a new dataset.
- pyCroscopy — Python library for scientific analysis of microscopy data
- pykale — Knowledge-aware machine learning from multiple sources in Python
- pyvidcompress — Tensor decomposition based video compression library for CPUs and GPUs
- qclib — A quantum computing library using qiskit
- scprint — scPRINT is a Large Cell Model for Gene Network Inference, Denoising and more from scRNAseq data
- scTenifoldpy — scTenifoldpy
- SOAPy-st — Spatial Omics Analysis in Python
- sovai — python for asset management
- SPACEc — SPatial Analysis for CodEX data (SPACEc)
- spaco — Smooth and probablistic PARAFAC decomposition with covariates
- tenetan — Temporal Network Analysis Library
- TensorClus — TensorClus is a Python package for clustering of three-way tensor data
- tensorly-gcp — Generalized CP Decomposition with Tensorly
- tensorly-quantum — Tensor-Based Quantum Machine Learning
- tensorly-viz — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- TLVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- TLViz — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- tmseegpy — A pipeline for preprocessing and analyzing TMS-EEG data
- torch-harmonics — A differentiable spherical harmonic transform for PyTorch.