Reverse Dependencies of tensorflow-probability
The following projects have a declared dependency on tensorflow-probability:
- abdelrahman-obfuscate — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- abdo — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- abdo-obfuscate — Obfuscate Convo Test
- abdoconvo — dynamic forms updated
- abismal — Stochastic merging for diffraction data.
- aboleth — Bayesian supervised deep learning with TensorFlow
- africanwhisper — A framework for fast fine-tuning and API endpoint deployment of Whisper model specifically developed to accelerate Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR) for African Languages.
- agrivoltaics-supply-side-management — Optimizes Supply Side Management with Agrivoltaics by Artificial Intelligence
- aidatafactory — Data factory for producing synthetic data.
- alectio-sdk — Integrate customer side ML application with the Alectio Platform
- alibi-detect — Algorithms for outlier detection, concept drift and metrics.
- angorapy — Build Goal-driven Models of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Ease.
- anon — Research workspace.
- antspyt1w — T1w human neuroimage processing with antspyx
- aphin — Autoencoder-based port-Hamiltonian Identification Networks (ApHIN) is a Python package for structure-preserving model order reduction and system identification of port-Hamiltonian systems.
- augmix-tf — An implementation of novel data augmentation AugMix (2020) in TensorFlow. It runs on TPU.
- autopycoin — Deep learning models for forecasting purposes.
- b4tf — Bayian Neural Network for TensorFlow
- baconian — model-based reinforcement learning toolbox
- bark-ml — Gym Environments and Agents for Autonomous Driving
- bayes-jones — Bayesian inference of Jones matrices.
- bayes-mapvar — Bayesian Maximum a Posteriori/Variance estimation
- bayes-vi — A package for bayesian inference
- bayesflow — "Amortizing Bayesian Inference With Neural Networks"
- bayesnf — Scalable spatiotemporal prediction with Bayesian neural fields
- bayeux-ml — Stitching together probabilistic models and inference.
- bear-model — Python package implementing the BEAR generative sequence model.
- beliefppg — Taking multi-channel PPG and Accelerometer signals as input, BeliefPPG predicts the instantaneous heart rate and provides an uncertainty estimate for the prediction.
- bellman — A Toolbox for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow
- benchmark-mi — Estimators of mutual information and distributions used to benchmark them.
- blackbox-mpc — BlackBox MPC - Model Predictive Control withsampling based optimizers
- bnnsurv — TensorFlow 2.x Bayesian Neural Network for Survival Analysis
- bojaxns — Bayesian Optimisation with JAXNS
- BPrune — Bayesiean Neural Network Pruning Library
- brainiak — Brain Imaging Analysis Kit
- bwmd — Fast text similarity with binary encoded word embeddings.
- c3-toolset — Toolset for control, calibration and characterization of physical systems
- c3-toolset-nightly — Toolset for control, calibration and characterization of physical systems
- c4v-py — Code for Venezuela python library.
- cantorProject — A set of tools to numerically solve differential equations using Neural Networks.
- careless — Merging crystallography data without much physics.
- cdrnn — A toolkit for continuous-time deconvolutional regression (CDR)
- chady — A package for ML libraries
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chrombpnet — chrombpnet predicts chromatin accessibility from sequence
- cleverhans — no summary
- ColorTransferLib — This library provides color and tyle transfer algorithms which were published in scientific papers. Additionall a set of IQA metrics are available.
- convo-engine — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-latest — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-n2 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-new-version-abdo — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-nl2 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-nlu — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-nlu2 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-tt — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo5 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API
- convo6 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API
- convo7 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API
- convoxxx — Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- COOM — COOM: Benchmarking Continual Reinforcement Learning on Doom
- corl — Core ACT3 Reinforcement Learning (RL) Library - Core framework and base implementations of common things such as controllers, glues, observes, sensors, evaluation, and etc
- cosmopower — Machine Learning - accelerated Bayesian inference
- CurriculumAgent — CurriculumAgent is a cleanup and improved version of the NeurIPS 2020 Competition Agent by Binbinchen.The agent is build to extract action sets of the Grid2Op Environment and then use rule-based agent to train a Reinforcement Learning agent.
- cvt-tensorflow — TensorFlow 2.X reimplementation of CvT: Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers, Haiping Wu, Bin Xiao, Noel Codella, Mengchen Liu, Xiyang Dai, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang.
- daml — DAML provides a simple interface to characterize image data and its impact on model performance across classification and object-detection tasks
- ddsp — Differentiable Digital Signal Processing
- deepbayes — Package for doing approximate Bayesian inference on deep neural networks [based in TF 2.0+]
- deepchem — Deep learning models for drug discovery, quantum chemistry, and the life sciences.
- deephyper — Scalable asynchronous neural architecture and hyperparameter search for deep neural networks
- deepmol — DeepMol: a python-based machine and deep learning framework for drug discovery
- deepnull — Models nonlinear interactions between covariates and phenotypes
- DeepSurrogatepin — Deep surrogate model for the probability of informed trading model
- dianna — Deep Insight And Neural Network Analysis
- dienen — Train deep neural networks using configuration files
- DIFFICE-jax — A differentiable neural-network solver for data assimilation of ice shelves written in JAX
- disentanglement-lib — Library for research on disentangled representations.
- distrax — Distrax: Probability distributions in JAX.
- dlomix — Deep Learning for Proteomics
- dmol-book — Style and Imports for dmol Book
- dnax — DNA models implemented in JAX
- — Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
- dopamine-rl — Dopamine: A framework for flexible Reinforcement Learning research
- dvm — The Discrete Voter Model for ecological inference.
- dynamax — Dynamic State Space Models in JAX.
- edward2 — Edward2
- eeg-to-fmri — no summary
- efax — Exponential families for JAX
- effective-horizon — Code for the NeurIPS 2023 paper "Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective horizon" and the ICLR 2024 paper "The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments".
- einml — Tensorflow utility library
- elle — Library of anonymous finite elements with analytic derivatives.
- emme — Object oriented finite element analysis.
- enformer-dna-diff — This is a package for that combines DeepMind Enformer model with DNA Diffusion project
- epiout — EpiOut: outlier detection for DNA accesibility data.
- ESEm — Earth System Emulator
- estival — A set of calibration and probabilistic programming tools for use with summerepi2
- example-qspec — A small example package
- fastestimator — Deep learning framework
- fastestimator-nightly — Deep learning framework
- fastrlapi — reinforcement learning high-level API.
- fenbux — A Simple Statistical Distribution Library In JAX