Reverse Dependencies of tellurium
The following projects have a declared dependency on tellurium:
- AMC-OWMV — Produce Antimony Files and Graphs using a browser GUI
- AMCowmvg — Produce Antimony Files and Graphs using a browser GUI
- AntimonyCombinations — no summary
- BioModelsRAG — A package for processing and querying biomodels
- biosimulator-processes — Core implementations of process-bigraph.composite.Process aligning with BioSimulators simulator tools.
- biosimulators-processes — Core implementations of process-bigraph.composite.Process aligning with BioSimulators simulator tools.
- biosimulators-tellurium — BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the Tellurium/roadrunner simulator <>.
- controlSBML — Control analysis of SBML models
- coyote-gui — Extensible visualization and editing tool for reaction networks.
- mobspy — A Query-Based Language for Chemical Reaction Networks
- model-ELISA — A GUI to simulate the direct ELISA model
- ModelPK — A package for pharmacokinetic modeling
- MyosinCK — The goal of this program is to establish a visualization tool tailored to describing cardiac-specific muscle dynamics and how the alterations of parameters mentioned above (due to disease mutations) can impact the efficiency of muscle dynamics.
- netplotlib — netplotlib: A simple package for visualizing reaction network models
- pycotools — A python toolbox for COPASI
- pycotools3 — A python toolbox for COPASI
- pyiodine — A kinetic model of the AHR and its regulation
- pyrkviewer — COYOTE: An Extensible Python Based Reaction Editor and Viewer.
- QualitativeModelFitting — no summary
- rateExtrapolation — Package returns estimations for model rates.
- RTandCasKinetics — Model that investigates the combined kinetics of HIV reverse transcriptase and CRISPR Cas12a.
- sbcoyote — SBcoyote: An Extensible Python Based Reaction Editor and Viewer.
- sbvar — Varying parameter analysis for SBML models
- SBVisualizer — Visualizer for SBMLDiagrams
- synbiopython — Python tools for Synthetic Biology.