Reverse Dependencies of tabula-py
The following projects have a declared dependency on tabula-py:
- AioSpider-zly — 高并发异步爬虫框架
- alldata — This is a Package in which you can Extract Images,Text and Tables from 1 package
- Auto-Research — Geberate scientific survey with just a query
- BLA2 — This is a Package in which you can Extract Images,Text and Tables from 1 package
- cassummaryparser — Cas summary parser
- covid19-nuuuwan — no summary
- data-alchemy — Package to process documents of any format
- drug-nme — Get Drug Approvals
- emreader — no summary
- emtd — This projects provides as slim Python wrapper to access the 'technology-data' data set / snakemake workflow, maintained by the PyPSA team.
- etk — extraction toolkit
- excon — Extract and convert data from PDFs
- expressionable — A tool for managing large datasets
- extracts — Load tables, figures, and text manually extracted from published journal articles.
- ezeeresult — Marks scraper for MCA (REVISED 2020) latest semester.
- file-convertion-tools — common file conversions
- file-genie — File Genie is designed to parse various file types and transform them according to provided configuration
- file-parser-sdk — File Parser SDK which is designed to parse various file types and transform them according to provided configuration
- gridstatus — API to access energy data
- lightcycler — A software for analyzing lightcycler data
- merlin-py — Read the merlin-py tutorials for use...
- nuregi — A basic Python-based API client library for
- ocr-pdf2txt — OCR library with advanced PDF to text, layout visualization, audio generation, table extraction, summarization, and translation
- ofxstatement-bancoposta — Bancoposta plugin for ofxstatement
- ofxstatement-hype — Hype plugin for ofxstatement
- openbk — A python library to easily extract information and metrics from Moroccan bank statements.
- parse-bank-statements — Package to parse bank statements
- pdf-statement-reader — PDF Statement Reader
- pdfExtractor — This Project Extract Images,Text and Tables from a single package
- PDFScraper — PDF text and table search
- pdftotree — Convert PDF into hOCR with text, tables, and figures being recognized and preserved.
- pdftotree-mercurial — Convert PDF into hOCR with text, tables, and figures being recognized and preserved. (Without sklearn in dependencies)
- pools-dashboard — analyze bets
- rbc-pdf-statement-parser — A Python-based parser for RBC Business Account statements
- ReadPdfFiles — A Python package for reading PDF files.
- reasonchain — A modular AI reasoning library for building intelligent agents.
- scraping-orbit — Tools for web-scraping and automation projects.
- sec-certs — A tool for data scraping and analysis of security certificates from Common Criteria and FIPS 140-2/3 frameworks
- stpstone — no summary
- sushi-allergy-parser — sushi-allergy-parser is a parser for allergy infomation document of japanese conveyor-belt sushi chain.
- tablex-nuuuwan — no summary
- tabulatepdf — A CLI for tabula-py
- tabx — Advanced Table Extraction and Text Recognition Library
- thefactory — TheFactory config module
- tjsp — Série Temporal das Taxas do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo e métodos para recuperar informações das taxas
- travdata — Data utility code for Mongoose Traveller TTRPG.
- unscrapulous — A utility that scrapes lists of unscrupulous entities (barred from doing financial business) published by various legal institutions
- voliboli-pdf-scraper — Voliboli PDF Scraper
- ZeeD-movslib — no summary