Reverse Dependencies of tabpfn
The following projects have a declared dependency on tabpfn:
- alpbench — Active Learning Pipelines Benchmark
- autogluon.tabular — Fast and Accurate ML in 3 Lines of Code
- caafe — Context-Aware Automated Feature Engineering (CAAFE) is an automated machine learning tool that uses large language models for feature engineering in tabular datasets. It generates Python code for new features along with explanations for their utility, enhancing interpretability.
- eeg-ml-pipeline — A Python package for EEG machine learning analysis, classification, and visualization.
- ensemble-tabpfn — Adaptation of TabPFN to work with large tabular datasets.
- tabebm — Official implementation of "TabEBM: A Tabular Data Augmentation Method with Class-Specific Energy-Based Models", NeurIPS 2024.