Reverse Dependencies of system-shared-tool
The following projects have a declared dependency on system-shared-tool:
- can-sniffer — Sniffer to send and receive can messages running in an independant thread.
- SCPI-sniffer — Broker used to send and receive SCPI commands through serial ports
- wattrex-battery-cycler — Battery cycler control used to execute custom profile on multiple battery technologies.
- wattrex_cycler_cu_manager — Module used to manage the computational unit.
- wattrex-cycler-db-sync — Driver to launch a node that can sync cache database with master database.
- wattrex-driver-bms — Driver to mannage the bms hardware and get measures from it.
- wattrex-driver-ea — Driver to control EA Power Electronics devices.
- wattrex-driver-epc — Driver to control the EPC in an easy way through can bus.
- wattrex-driver-flow — Driver to get measures from a flowmeter.
- wattrex-mn-manager — Defines custom datatypes for use in cycler scripts related.