Reverse Dependencies of symspellpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on symspellpy:
- AMPLE-AIML-Model — no summary
- bospell — Spell checking toolkit for Tibetan (boyig)
- ds-extraction — DS Extraction is a library for extracting disease, symptom in the medical domain
- fidel — Python package that translite Geez character to Latin character and vice versa.
- fuzzypanda — Toolkit for performing fuzzy joins with Symspell framework
- laonlp-spellchecker — A Lao NLP library for spell-checking
- lmproof — Language model powered proof reader for correcting contextual errors in natural language.
- maslongbow — Annotation and segmentation of MAS-seq data
- mim-ocr — Tool for using different OCR engines and process their results using common data structures.
- mkdocs-spellcheck — A spell checker plugin for MkDocs.
- mtgscan — Convert an image containing Magic cards to decklist
- muslimdeen — MuslimDeen: Package pour gĂ©rer les sourates et le coran
- nkia — This is a module to predict the products category using artificial inteligence.
- nkocr — This is a module to make specifics OCRs at food products and nutricional tables.
- nlm-ingestor — Parsers and ingestors for different file types and formats
- nlpytools — A set of python tools for Natural Language Processing
- OCRfixr — A contextual spellchecker for OCR output
- rara-subject-indexer — Automatically detect subject indices.
- spacy-symspell — spaCy pipeline component for spelling correction using sysmepll.
- speliuk — Speliuk is a spell checker for the Ukrainian language based on SymSpell and Language Models.
- tkauto — Tenkafuma Auto Recruitment KOR
- treform — A text mining tool for Korean and English
- vid2cleantxt — A command-line tool to easily transcribe speech-based video files into clean text. also in Colab.
- vos-data-utils — description
- vos-mjjo — This library is designed to correct dates in building permit records