Reverse Dependencies of svgutils
The following projects have a declared dependency on svgutils:
- ab12phylo — Integrated pipeline for ML phylogenetic inference from ABI trace and FASTA data
- ampel-plots — Plotting add-on for the Ampel system
- ase-notebook — Highly configurable 2D (SVG) & 3D (threejs) visualisations for ASE/Pymatgen structures, within the Jupyter Notebook
- chebai — no summary
- coolbox — Jupyter notebook based genomic data visulization toolkit.
- cowpatch — A package for combining python ggplot visuals
- cq-annotate — An annotation extension designed to work with the CadQuery API
- cwa-qr — Python Implementation of the CoronaWarnApp (CWA) Event Registration
- dmriprep — dMRIPrep is a robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse dMRI data.
- drawlogo — no summary
- dso-core — Data Science Operations on top of dvc
- ebdtable2graph — Converts (already scraped) Entscheidungsbaumdiagramm tables to real graphs
- flatland-rl — Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains
- liblet — A teaching aid library for formal languages and compiler courses.
- MDPOW — A library for computing solvation/water partitioning coefficients using molecular dynamics simulations
- meantools — Integration of multi-omics data for biosynthetic pathway discovery
- nireports — NiReports - The Visual Report System (VRS) of NiPreps
- niworkflows — NeuroImaging Workflows provides processing tools for magnetic resonance images of the brain.
- polarimetry-lc2pkpi — Symbolic expressions that describe an aligned polarimeter vector field
- pydra-nireports — Pydra tasks package for nireports
- pydra-niworkflows — Pydra tasks package for niworkflows
- python-chess-toc — Create a graphical table of contents for chess games with engine analysis
- rebdhuhn — Converts (already scraped) Entscheidungsbaumdiagramm tables to real graphs
- stk_data — This is a library of functions for manipulating data.
- svgmanip — `svgmanip` helps import and composite together existing SVG drawings. More information is available at the GitHub README.
- svgScissors — Manipulate svg xml to automate data insertion.
- Sympathy — Sympathy for Data is a visual data analysis and processing platform based on Python.
- synphage — Python library for plotting synteny diagram for phage and bacterial sequences.
- xiangqi-setup — Command line tool to generate razor-sharp Xiangqi (Chinese chess) setup graphics