Reverse Dependencies of sv-ttk
The following projects have a declared dependency on sv-ttk:
- asterisk-pypi-pack-uploader — A simple GUI for uploading packages to PyPi.
- asterisk-pypi-package-uploader — A simple GUI for uploading pypi packages.
- auto-phylo-pipeliner — A GUI to create auto-phylo pipelines.
- biscuit-api — The uncompromising code editor
- biscuit-editor — A lightweight, fast, and extensible code editor with a growing community
- BTKSorgu — Hedef websitesinin BTK Tarafından Erişim Engeli Sorgusu
- convertcode2pdf — A GUI tool to convert code files to PDF or TXT
- disaster-ID-scan — no summary
- doctr-labeler — A Python package for labeling and annotating documents
- libtextworker — App library for textworker
- music_util — Collection of utilities for musicians
- niftiview-app — Standalone app for viewing volumetric images 🧠 based on Python
- nlxcaptcha — Tell "iPad Kids" and "Non-iPad Kids" apart using OpenAI API in this easy-to-integrate captcha.
- Paperl — 使用tkinter开发高级GUI调试库
- pdf-crawler — Your project description
- qat — Qt Application Tester, a BDD-oriented framework to test Qt-based applications
- REVHubInterface — GUI program for manual control of REV Robotics Expansion Hub from a PC. Unofficial "Community Edition".
- securetkterminal — A comprehensive terminal emulation application built with Python, Tkinter and sv-ttk, supporting serial communication and SSH connectivity with advanced features like window resizing, font adjustment, and terminal history management.
- speekaboo — A drop-in replacement for using Piper TTS
- steamback — A python library and tool for backing up Steam save games
- subflow — Pipeline for subtracting filaments from cryo-EM micrographs.
- sv-ttk-colorizer — A module for changing the accent color of @rdbende's Sun Valley ttk theme.
- test1234567890qwerty — test
- tkinter-tooltip — An easy and customisable ToolTip implementation for Tkinter
- TkinterMessagebox — Rebuild the tkinter messagebox with sun-valley-ttk-theme
- tkwinterm — A fully functional terminal/console widget for Windows, built on Python, Tkinnter and Pyte
- voicemeeter-compact — A Compact Voicemeeter Remote App