Reverse Dependencies of subprocesskiller
The following projects have a declared dependency on subprocesskiller:
- adbblitz — ADB - The fastest screenshots - scrcpy stream directly to NumPy (without scrcpy.exe) - no root required!
- ffmpegaudiorecord — Starts recording audio from the specified device using ffmpeg and stops recording after a specified number of seconds of silence
- folderobserver — monitors and collects temporary files that might be created during software execution or system processes
- gethandledf — Retrieves the list of handles using the 'handle.exe' command and return the data as a pandas DataFrame.
- getproclist — Retrieves the list of processes using the 'wmic' command and return the data as a pandas DataFrame
- multisubprocess — Executes multiple subprocesses simultaneously (Windows only)
- pandasmemuc — Automating memu emulator with pandas
- whatdiditdo — Observes what processes are doing (Windows only)