Reverse Dependencies of sty
The following projects have a declared dependency on sty:
- 2xh-leet — Library of Eclectic Experiments by Tenchi
- alia — A collection of random helper tools to make life easier
- asthook — Analyse apk source code and make a dynamic analysis
- autopalette — Terminal palettes and themes, without tears.
- barbarian — Utility tool for managing Conan recipes for the Barbarian Conan server.
- botterino — Automate posting and hosting of rounds on /r/picturegame
- buildlib — A library to create build and deployment scripts
- clipunch — A CLI tool to create punchard visualizations.
- cmatcher — Find the best background and foreground color combinations from a given RGB value
- colorfulpanda — a colorful printer
- ConsoleMasterPy — Console/Terminal functionality
- cowait — Cowait is a framework for creating containerized workflows with asynchronous Python.
- darkchess — incomplete information chess
- davil — Various Utils for no specific purpose.
- doot — An opinionated, TOML based task runner
- encrypt-file — CLI to encrypt or decrypt files with ONLY ONE COMAND
- ezcliy — Framework for creating CLI tools
- faker-graphics — Provider for the Faker package to generate placeholder images and more.
- figgy-cli — Tired of managing hundreds or thousands of configurations as your microservice footprint scales? Tired of config files, environment variables, poorly managed secrets, and constantly crashing containers due to configuration mismanagement? There’s a better way. Figgy!
- flixr — A command line utility for television show information.
- gent — gent (Game ENgine for Terminals), is a library to allow game like interactions in user terminals
- gym-wordle — OpenAI gym environment for training agents on Wordle
- heiko — Heiko is a frontend for MaaS
- Hollos-Module — no summary
- ia-sdk — SDK for Intelligent Artifact's GAIuS agents.
- iofstream — Input/Output File Stream
- isvirtual — Tool to detect if the current directory is linked to a virtual environment, get the config of this env and more. Work with venv, virtualenv, pipenv, poetry, hatch, pdm and uv.
- jgdv — no summary
- kleenscan — Kleenscan command line application and API wrapper library.
- LazyT — Usefull methods cause i'm lazy and they made everything easier and fancier(check project link for a decent README)
- lcls — lc is ls but with colors and icons.
- linuxns-rel — Linux namespace relationships library
- MagnetiCalc — MagnetiCalc calculates the magnetic flux density, vector potential, energy, self-inductance and magnetic dipole moment of arbitrary coils. Inside an OpenGL-accelerated GUI, the static magnetic flux density (B-field) or the magnetic vector potential (A-field) is displayed in interactive 3D, using multiple metrics for highlighting the field properties.
- md4c — Markdown parsing.
- melodia-py — Differential Geometry of Proteins Backbones
- ms-vlmeval — OpenCompass VLM Evaluation Kit for Eval-Scope
- nobuco — Pytorch to Tensorflow conversion made intuitive
- o7util — A collection of utility functions for Python
- OsomeDB — A Module For Managing and Creating DBs.
- picharsso — A utility for converting images to text art.
- pnp — Pull 'n' Push
- pyimgtool — Tool to help prep images for web sharing
- pymoodle-jku — A client for the moodle page of JKU Linz.
- PyParrotSay — no summary
- pyrhd — Scraping Library for Personal Use
- pyTGR — A minimal lib for rendering things on Terminal.
- python-print-extended — Beginner-friendly pretty printing
- rainbow-print — Rainbow Print adds colors to the standard outputs to ease the process of monitoring respective data / metrics
- replicat — Configurable and lightweight backup utility with deduplication and encryption.
- showenv — Show informations about project, python, pip, libraries and OS
- simple-pydash — Lightweight, modular Python library for creating real-time interactive dashboards in the web browser.
- stefutils — Machine Learning project startup utilities
- tubby — A utility for the Genshin Impact Housing system
- xthematic — cli app for customizing terminals
- zycelium.ansiformat — ANSI Formatted Text for Terminals.