
View on PyPIReverse Dependencies (0)

0.0.3 stuser-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl

Wheel Details

Project: stuser
Version: 0.0.3
Filename: stuser-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl
Download: [link]
Size: 64778
MD5: 46a3d8b75d893fcace08472abd14da74
SHA256: 3e1cbbc0ba865701be64c69509b7e749a7ebb1d0774965b07a85e1435d06835d
Uploaded: 2025-01-02 20:34:25 +0000



Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: stuser
Version: 0.0.3
Summary: User registration, login and associated ecosystem for Streamlit
Author-Email: Alex Melesko <alex.melesko[at]>
Project-Url: repository,
License: Copyright 2024 M Squared Data Science LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Keywords: Python,Streamlit,Authentication,Components
Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Requires-Python: >=3.6
Requires-Dist: argon2-cffi (>=23.1.0)
Requires-Dist: crcmod (>=1.7)
Requires-Dist: cryptography (>=43.0.3)
Requires-Dist: pandas (>=2.2.3)
Requires-Dist: streamlit (>=1.40.0)
Requires-Dist: db-dtypes (>=1.3.1); extra == "google"
Requires-Dist: google-api-python-client (>=2.153.0); extra == "google"
Requires-Dist: google-auth (>=2.36.0); extra == "google"
Requires-Dist: google-auth-httplib2 (>=0.2.0); extra == "google"
Requires-Dist: google-auth-oauthlib (>=1.2.1); extra == "google"
Requires-Dist: google-cloud-bigquery (>=3.27.0); extra == "google"
Requires-Dist: sendgrid (>=6.11.0); extra == "sendgrid"
Provides-Extra: google
Provides-Extra: sendgrid
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
License-File: LICENSE
[Description omitted; length: 21872 characters]


Wheel-Version: 1.0
Generator: setuptools (75.6.0)
Root-Is-Purelib: true
Tag: py3-none-any


Path Digest Size
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stuser/ sha256=HhG47Il5uW2O3ZWcPPKkdJuglayXk5YS8BrCKrJVt5M 4464
stuser/ sha256=NIYs5oGg-pscPigI1P_zSGljIFqBgoZ1QcLLjRW15mA 300693
stuser/ sha256=doYgD-sOGRtUfbbq_5wmdOJZP6k3j5nF8WT4RWHw2rU 2020
stuser/ sha256=elXmbz3zn9tilpz6aJt5AZl2BJGG2hV8fIsN7vVhTvA 2893
stuser/ sha256=As0pSS1cDUWqWKMRFO17fFwHwyWyxSofdaQUgGM2mwE 27191
stuser/ sha256=TNvwo5QYGZ-igip_h09sh8uzBxYmUmTq20X86CD-xfs 252
stuser-0.0.3.dist-info/LICENSE sha256=Pz3XCdVXhzRHUF2Bl7gJLJVwWd1c56WuSR4RdqALnKU 577
stuser-0.0.3.dist-info/METADATA sha256=aiy0rVpVKLpk_gaY3dye_0YJ9HTzeR4ZeG1GRG0gD-4 24382
stuser-0.0.3.dist-info/WHEEL sha256=PZUExdf71Ui_so67QXpySuHtCi3-J3wvF4ORK6k_S8U 91
stuser-0.0.3.dist-info/top_level.txt sha256=QAA3VBlaoLNoxQWaKWbRo2V9TdwF-ah_SYch9rx-Ves 7

