Reverse Dependencies of stringcase
The following projects have a declared dependency on stringcase:
- 0x-json-schemas — JSON schemas for 0x applications
- aas-pydantic — aas-pydantic is a package that combines the basyx python sdk for handling Asset Administration Shells (AAS) with pydantic Basemodels for fast and easy modeling and transformation of pydantic models and AAS.
- acrud — no summary
- aheadworks-deploy-manager — deploy manager from aheadworks
- altscore — Python SDK for AltScore. It provides a simple interface to the AltScore API.
- altscore-workflow-builder — Streamlit-based workflow builder for AltScore
- apiclient-pydantic-generator — This code generator creates a ApiClient app from an openapi file.
- archon-bot — Discord bot for VTES tournaments
- asaas-cdk-constructs — Modulo padrão Asaas para regras waf e criação de clouldfront
- asaas-waf-module — Modulo padrão Asaas para regras waf e criação de clouldfront
- astroramjet — no summary
- asyncapi-codegen — Generate C++ for an AsyncAPI Specification
- asynchron — Python service framework with code generator based on AsyncAPI specification
- atlas-init — no summary
- automatic-actions — Test lib for automatic actions.
- autonomous-proto — autonomous_proto
- barbell — A tool for creating Gym environments
- bareasgi-rest — REST support for bareASGI
- bentoutils — Utilities for working with BentoML V1.x
- betterproto-for-temporal-python-sdk — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto-twirp — A better Protobuf / Twirp generator & library
- betterproto-twirp-new — A better Protobuf / Twirp generator & library
- biochatter — Backend library for conversational AI in biomedicine
- biocypher — A unifying framework for biomedical research knowledge graphs
- biolink-model — The Biolink Model is a high-level data model designed to standardize types and relationships in biological knowledgebases.
- bitmast-blockcypher — Python wrapper for accessing BlockCypher API
- bitsmiths-mettle — A three tier systems code generator that targets serveral databases and languages
- bmt — Biolink Model Toolkit: A Python API for working with the Biolink Model
- borisat — a python library for retrieving company public data in thailand. It has its own public database for caching, so, it is really fast, smart, and save lot of time and energy.
- builder-tool — Software Builder Tool
- buslib — Client library for interfacing with the BUS Methodology data API
- caplot — Cohort Analysis Plot
- catalystcoop.ferc-xbrl-extractor — A tool for extracting data from FERC XBRL Filings.
- cityfront — no summary
- cloudlift — Cloudlift makes it easier to launch dockerized services in AWS ECS
- cloudzero-uca-tools — CloudZero UCA Toolkit
- cltk — The Classical Language Toolkit
- color-scheme-utils — no summary
- comdexpy — Python SDK for interacting with comdex node
- comicbox — An API for reading comic archive contents and metadata: CBZ, CBR, CBT and PDF
- common-ui-components — tkinter.ttk-based UI components
- contextmanaged-objects — no summary
- convert_videos — This tool allows bulk conversion of videos using ffmpeg
- cool-tree — Suite Standard Library
- coraline — Use Pydantic Models to handle AWS DynamoDB tables
- crossbar — multi-protocol (WAMP/WebSocket, REST/HTTP, MQTT) application router for microservices.
- damv1kubectl — development customize kubectl package
- damv1mps2301k8salert — damv1mps2301k8salert package
- data-product-definition-tooling — Data Product Definition Tooling
- data-science-common — UNDER CONSTRUCTION: A simple python library to facilitate analysis
- dataclass-dict-convert — Convert between Dataclasses and dict/json
- dazzler — Async Web Framework
- dbcopy — Copy contents of a SQL database to another
- deci-common — A package for Deci's common data types, connections and interfaces
- difconnect — Parse WebSite for data and Connect to Diffusion Server
- diffusion — Python SDK for Diffusion.
- django-app-graphql — Some stuff that i used when developing with django
- django-avishan — Avishan is just an set of tools
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-crosswalk-client — Client companion to django-crosswalk.
- django-graphene-authentication — A variant of djhango-graphql-jwt that can work with federations
- django-graphene-filters — Advanced auto related filters for Graphene Django
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- django-useful-enums — A useful enumeration / choice library for Django.
- dlna-cli — no summary
- dug-test — Dug is a semantic searching and indexing software.
- easul — Embeddable AI and State-based Understandable Logic toolkit
- electrumsv-sdk — ElectrumSV SDK
- ENSEK — Python Client for the ENSEK API (
- exco — Excel Comment Orm
- falcano — Falcano
- fastapi-code-generator — no summary
- filip — [FI]WARE [Li]brary for [P]ython
- firebasil — A modern async Firebase library
- flask-smorest-sqlalchemy-odata — Odata filtering and sorting with flask-smorest
- flaskforge — A CLI tool for generating Flask resources
- flox-bootstrap — Bootstrap your project with predefined templates
- followthemoney — A data model for anti corruption data modeling and analysis.
- freezerbox — Database of DNA sequences.
- frictionless — Data management framework for Python that provides functionality to describe, extract, validate, and transform tabular data
- fxq-commons — Common python utilities and scripts for fxq labs
- gh-webhooks — Typed event handling for GitHub Webhooks
- google-fhir-core — Core components for working with FHIR.
- graph-diff — Package providing series of algorithms to solve graph difference problem
- graphene-django-filter — Advanced filters for Graphene
- graphene-elastic — Graphene Elasticsearch/OpenSearch (DSL) integration
- graphs2go — Graphs2go shared Python library
- griptape-core — Python framework for LLM middleware tools. Build once, run anywhere.
- griptape-tools — Tools for the Griptape framework.
- haplo — no summary
- heptet-app — Heptet App Framework
- hip-data-tools — Common Python tools and utilities for data engineering.
- hojo — Hojo: An ORM built on top of SQL Alchemy
- hopeit.engine — Hopeit Engine: Microservices with Streams
- iambic-core — IAMbic is a multi-cloud IAM control plane that unifies cloud identity management for AWS, Okta, Azure Active Directory, Google Workspace and more into Git.
- iclockhelper — Helper library to parse income request from IClock ADMS(like ZKTeco)
- idl2js — Grammar-based Fuzzer that uses WebIDL as a grammar.
- ifdo — Python iFDO implementation
- information-resource-registry — A registry of information resources used in NCATS Data Translator
- iparse — parser of bs4 with yaml config support