Reverse Dependencies of streamz
The following projects have a declared dependency on streamz:
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- dataverk — Serverless ETL framework
- dcw — no summary
- fragile — Framework for developing FractalAI based algorithms.
- geniusrise — An LLM framework
- hvplot — A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.
- lorrystream — A lightweight and polyglot stream-processing library, to be used as a data backplane-, message relay-, or pipeline-subsystem.
- mtstreamz — Minh-Tri Pham's extension of the streamz Python library
- nexustrader — fastest python trading bot
- NFSim — Neurofeedback simulation
- numismatic — Coin Collector for digital assets
- openhsi — Library to calibrate, trigger and capture data cubes for the open source hyperspectral camera.
- ou-tm351-py — Python package installation for OU module TM351
- pandas-toolkit — A collection of pandas accessors to help with common machine/deep learning related functionality.
- panel — A high level app and dashboarding solution for Python.
- panoptes-pocs — PANOPTES Observatory Control System
- panoptes-utils — Astronomical utilities for PANOPTES
- scikit-fdiff — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- streaming-infer — streaming_infer
- streamz-nats — no summary
- streamz-pulsar — no summary
- triflow — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- water-healer — Extension of Kafka Streamz to update consumer offset for successful sink
- wisdom-sdk — Wisdom SDK
- xepmts — Python client for accessing the XENON experiment PMT data.