Reverse Dependencies of streamlit-option-menu
The following projects have a declared dependency on streamlit-option-menu:
- 3m — 3m
- ai-talks — A ChatGPT API wrapper, providing a user-friendly Streamlit web interface
- akasha-terminal — document QA(RAG) package using langchain and chromadb
- akenoai — AkenoAi Python Wrapper For Plus+
- asoid — ASOiD: An active learning approach to behavioral classification
- authlit — A streamlit library which provides a Login/Sign-Up UI with an option to reset password, also supports cookies.
- bioencoder — A metric learning toolkit
- dataops-testgen — DataKitchen's Data Quality DataOps TestGen
- examinationrag — XRAG: eXamining the Core - Benchmarking Foundational Component Modules in Advanced Retrieval-Augmented Generation
- fendi — An auto py builder for ChatBots on top of streamlit app's - LLaMa's powered APS
- kiara-plugin.streamlit — Streamlit UI and widgets for kiara
- KrakenPythonMarcosRodrigo — A streamlit tool for rendering kraken data
- litbee — align (en, de, zh) texts via streamlit
- pv-site-prediction — Photovoltaic per site modeling
- quizwiz — A quiz system for developers
- run-my-monitoring-dashboard — A very basic monitoring package
- salk-toolkit — Common tools and functions useful in multiple different workflows and dashboards
- shap-app — A comprehensive application for interpreting machine learning models using SHAP values
- solidipes — Python package that aids the processes of curating, publishing, and sharing research data
- st-deta-connection — A Streamlit component to connect to Deta Base and insert and fetch data from it.
- streamlit-book — A streamlit companion library to create a interactive reader for the content on a given folder.
- streamlit-login-auth-ui — A streamlit library which provides a Login/Sign-Up UI with an option to reset password, also supports cookies.
- streamlit-login-auth-ui-23 — A streamlit library which provides a Login/Sign-Up UI with an option to reset password, also supports cookies.
- streamlit-signin-auth-ui — Login/Sign-up page with Streamlit,the user's data are stored in a Google Sheets file as database,also the lables of widgets are in Frensh language.
- streamlit-supabase-auth-ui — Seamless Supabase authentication for seamless Streamlit apps
- syngen — The tool uncovers patterns, trends, and correlations hidden within your production datasets.
- syngen-databricks — The tool uncovers patterns, trends, and correlations hidden within your production datasets.
- typebuild — A brief description of your package