Reverse Dependencies of stellar-sdk
The following projects have a declared dependency on stellar-sdk:
- bantupay-sdk — BantuPay SDK
- cngn-manager — Python HTTP for Humans.
- contract-wasm-interface-parser — Contract interface metadata parser for binary Stellar WASM
- django-polaris — An extendable Django server for Stellar Ecosystem Proposals.
- eulith-trezor — Python library for communicating with Trezor Hardware Wallet (with modifications from Eulith)
- fawaris — Async framework-agnostic Stellar Anchor interface
- lightecho-stellar-oracle — Python SDK for the Lightecho Stellar Oracle
- neuralshare-node — Neuralshare's node
- sc-audit — Stellarcarbon database with monitoring and audit functionality
- soroban — API and CLI for Soroban contracts in Python
- stellar-domains-sdk — A Python SDK for interacting with Soroban Domains on the Stellar network
- stellar-keystore — Tools for handling the encrypted keystore format used to store Stellar keypairs.
- stellar_python_domains_sdk — A Python SDK for interacting with Soroban Domains on the Stellar network
- strledger — Ledger Hardware Wallet Stellar Python bindings.
- tansu — Tansu - Soroban Versioning
- trezor — Python library for communicating with Trezor Hardware Wallet