Reverse Dependencies of starlette
The following projects have a declared dependency on starlette:
- wagtail-live — An app for high speed content publishing from a messaging app to a Wagtail site.
- wavegui — web based ui framework, write pretty ui without knoledge of css/html.
- waylay-ml-adapter-base — ml-adapter base classes.
- waylay-sdk-alarms — Waylay Alarms
- waylay-sdk-alarms-types — Waylay Alarms Types
- waylay-sdk-core — Waylay Python SDK.
- waylay-sdk-data — Waylay Broker
- waylay-sdk-data-types — Waylay Broker Types
- waylay-sdk-queries — Waylay Query: timeseries queries (v1 protocol)
- waylay-sdk-queries-types — Waylay Query: timeseries queries (v1 protocol) Types
- waylay-sdk-registry — Waylay Function Registry
- waylay-sdk-registry-types — Waylay Function Registry Types
- waylay-sdk-resources — Waylay Resources
- waylay-sdk-resources-types — Waylay Resources Types
- waylay-sdk-rules — Waylay rules engine
- waylay-sdk-rules-types — Waylay rules engine Types
- waylay-sdk-storage — Waylay Storage
- waylay-sdk-storage-types — Waylay Storage Types
- weather-provider-api — Weather Provider Libraries and API
- webapicontrollers — A basic API controller framework built on top of FastAPI
- webargs-starlette — Declarative request parsing and validation for Starlette with webargs
- webcompy — Python frontend framework which works on Browser
- webhooks-automata — Webhook receiver for flexible automations
- webtest-asgi — webtest-asgi provides integration of WebTest with ASGI applications
- webull-options — no summary
- wefram — Wefram web platform
- whatsapp-cloud-sdk — A library(SDK) that provides a Python interface to the Whatsapp Cloud API
- WhipPyWeb — Add your description here
- wigm-fastapi-offline — FastAPI without reliance on CDNs for docs
- willspeak — Python Text to Speach using Microsoft Sapi5 with a server/client model
- wn — Wordnet interface library
- wn-fast — Wordnet interface library (forked version with perfomance improvements)
- wordlette — Simple and easy framework for building complex websites.
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- ws-sync — Keep objects synchronized over a persistent WebSocket session
- wsrouter — Starlette Shared WebSocket Endpoint
- x-request-id-middleware — Library to handle request ID propagation for Django and FastAPI
- xiaomusic — Play Music with xiaomi AI speaker
- xinhou-openai-framework — XINHOU-OPENAI-FRAMEWORK基础框架,主要提供应用服务的底层支持技术代码支撑,通过该框架可以快速实现单服务、微服务、消息队列、ORM的快速开发!
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xjsonrpc — Extensible JSON-RPC library
- xmlAnomalyDetection — A tool for detecting anomalies in XML data
- xposer — Xpose your functions as microservices over arbitrary channels using standardized logging and configuration
- xpresso — A developer centric, performant Python web framework
- xpuls-fastapi-utils — Base SDK for FastAPI Utils
- yellowbox — no summary
- yiri-mirai — 一个轻量级、低耦合的基于 mirai-api-http 的 Python SDK。
- yiri-mirai-rc — 一个轻量级、低耦合的基于 mirai-api-http 的 Python SDK。
- ytml-toolkit — no summary
- ytvip — no summary
- zetaalpha.rag-agents — The Agents SDK is designed to provide a flexible, scalable, and efficient framework for building, testing, and deploying LLM agents.
- zetta-backend-toolkit — Un toolkit Backend para FastAPI
- zf-pd — pd supercharges your development workflows
- zhixin — no summary
- zmag — Craft Network APIs with ZeroMQ and GraphQL
- zoombot — Python wrapper for Zoom Chatbot API
- zstd-asgi — Zstd compression ASGI middleware